Our Unforgettable Pact

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[1.] Our Unforgettable Pact

-" That tendency of trying to save everyone is a lie...for its not for the fact you saved them, it's for the fact of you knowing of their pain and agony.....that pain that you've felt before....without a doubt knowing you can't save everybody is your biggest weakness Emiya Shirou....that's why you'll fall in this battle...no this war, because knowing you can't even save yourself......you waste your breath worrying on that of others. The holy grail war is bloodshed between masters and servants....don't forget that....."-

Tohsaka turns and grapples her gaze to mine. "Emiya you can't hesitate or you're sure to regret that you did..." She says in a serious tone.

"Alright I'll fight." I confidently say

As I say that Tohsaka boldly smiles heads towards the door and I follow her, until kirei stops me in my tracks and whispers: "Don't let the incident that happened 5 years ago....rear its ugly head all over again..." My eyes dilate and my mind sparks a memory of the incident, the pained groans, the blood-thirsted gurgles, the state of tragedy, and the ashes of the perished...It haunts me like a ghost. I want it to never happen again, not to anybody....

I paced out of the church and follow Tohsaka back to main gate where Saber waits. I make it to the gate and meet saber...

"Have you finished your accommodation with Rin Shirou?" Saber asks. I nod and hold out my hand to her in agreement, she stares at my hand and slowly dose the same...

"What is this Shirou?..." She asks

Her confusion gives me a smile, knowing I'd already had made the pact with her to become my servant in the past, this would be the proper state of mind to do so....Because I Know that I will fight in the holy grail war...

"I've agreed to fight in the holy grail war and want you to be there with me Saber, so I'm renewing our pact..." I happily mumble. Her expression changes to a Sudden smile....

"Then let me renounce our old one to renew this one, as I've said before I will be your sword that protects you and you will be the one who leads and guides that sword...at your very will I am your blade Shirou..."

In seconds all corners begin fading to black, growing darker and darker until my vision on Saber completely blurs and blackens into nothing. Then I see it, Saber's Excalibur leisurely placed and stuck on a gray rock slab. Its exterior is a marvelous thin gold to the blade, while the handle holds curved and slanted designs atop near where it meets the blade to its bottom. The blades beginning holds something engraved on it, it reads "Sword of Promised Victory"...Saber's Excalibur was not only her weapon but it's the physical actualization of her ideals and a symbol of her heroism. That's why this blade is her greatest noble phantasm....

I then notice Saber placing her hands on the blades handle, her fingers begin gripping it tightly. But then she shifts her gaze out to that of the horizon when the sunset starts. Saber knows the cause of it all, though she also knows her reason....and moves forward with her decision....even though she knows she might come to regret it one day......when I think she did all she could....no mater what......


My eyes open, it was all a dream...a constant recurring one at that. I'd been having it every night this week, it had played out the same every time I've had it....with Saber and our renewed pact...then the showing of her Excalibur and the past feelings she had towards her past. Saber couldn't accept the past choices she's made, while struggling to know what is right. That's why I know she wasn't wrong for those choices, nether was that experience to get here a mistake. Knowing this and what she was set on doing is why....I fell for her...Wether if it's was my constant need to help those who cannot help themselves or to fight with Saber when I'm not as much help to her....the fact is...I'll stand by Saber....even if she doesn't like it.....

Though at times like these I can only wonder if I will ever get to see Saber again, if she's ever thinking of returning to this place, this time that we met?.....

{-"Is she...?"-}

I hop to me feet and head over to the window and stare outside into the distance, the quiet blissfulness of it all, the cool fresh air that enters. It was never so quiet even once in the progression of the holy grail war that took place some while ago. But even though it's quiet, my mind still races in the whim of it all. I find myself unable to rid the feeling of Saber's presence here since I'd always been used to it. As my eyes still gaze out the window, my mind jolts to see something blowing in the wind....no someone!....I skid on my feet out the door onto the field and squint as I inspect the figure that's far out closer...

{-"Could it be!"-}

In moments notice picture of saber flashes into my mind...until I'm shocked to discover the figure to be nothing more than an ominously formed rock......

-"if our meeting isn't now....then I'll wait until it comes...however long it takes..."-


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