Chapter 8

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I'm sorry for waiting this long to publish! I'm going through alot at home right now, ranging from financial issues to my dad being in the hospital. Things have been rough.

I'll try to update more often!

"Does it usually take this long?" I questioned as I gazed down at the hole, where Ichigo was struggling at the bottom. He had started the second part of the trial of the shattered shaft just before I decided to come back to the shouten, but that was like two or so days ago. I didn't really know, the ceiling made it hard to tell.

"Every one is different" Kisuke answered, and my shoulders immediately tensed as he stopped just behind me.

"Yeah... but he's got like what? A day maybe left before the hollowfication starts?"

"8 hours" Jinta supplied from where he was dripping loogies onto poor Ichigo.

"Time flies by when you're at risk of turning into a monster" I sighed. This time, I noticed Kisuke tensed.

"That's not the word I'd use" He murmured, his gaze on me.

"Fine. Would you prefer a soul that's lost its way? Maybe a spirit that wasn't saved in time?" That seemed to make it worse, and he lowered his head so that his hat covered his eyes. "I didn't mean it like that, Kisuke" I sighed softly.

"I know what you meant"

He was trying to hide it, but after knowing him so many years, I could tell that I had hurt him. I really need to think before I speak. Sighing softly, I moved a bit away from him and plopped onto the ground and rested my elbow on my leg, then rested my head on my palm. As my eyes closed, I heard Ururu's soft voice.

"What are you doing, Yumika-san?"

"Taking a nap. That way I can't go blurting things our that'll hurt people's feelings" I could just sense her confusion. "Never mind. Just wake me up in a little while, okay kid?"

"Yes, Yumika-san.."


I was always a light sleeper, but the fake sky above was definitely messing with me. I hadn't gotten that much sleep lately, and that's probably why I slept so deeply. Because normally, I would have woken up as soon as someone touched me.

It wasn't even the hand stroking my head that had woken me up. For the first time in a long time, I had woken up on my own, no nightmares, no scares, no touches. I just slowly woke up, and the first thing I noticed was the hand on my head.

The second thing I noticed was that I wasn't sitting anymore. Either I had fallen over, which wasn't as likely as I was good at sleeping while sitting up, or someone had moved me, which was the most likely option. It was the scent that alerted me first. It was sweet, which shouldn't be too surprising from someone that runs a candy store. Then the feint scent of chemicals, which made it obvious which one it was. Kisuke spent too much time in that lab of his, and the chemical smell followed him everywhere.

Cracking open my eyes, I saw the green of his pants, which just confirmed who it was. Why I had my head on his leg, though, was a complete mystery. Why he was stroking my head was an even bigger mystery. He was still doing it, which meant he probably didn't notice I had woken up, and I decided to take advantage of the situation. I did enjoy having my head stroked, sue me.

I closed my eyes again and prepared to go back to sleep, but the sudden change in Ichigo's reiatsu jolted all of us out of our relaxed state. I immediately got up, followed by Kisuke, and we went over to where Jinta and Ururu was. Kisuke stopped Ururu from engaging.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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