Chapter 5

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The hollow's tail was swishing around in agitation as it watched me, eyes locked onto mine. We continued to stare at each other, no one blinking. Well, that is, until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

"Hah!" the hollow cried out, sounding quite pleased.

"No fair! You don't even have eyes!" I childishly stuck out my tongue at him, pulling down the lower lid of my right eye.

Somewhere to the side, the two children were watching us, disbelief clear on their faces. I couldn't blame them. It's not everyday you see a woman clad in black have a stare off with a monster.

"I win, so I get to attack first without you dodging!"

"Wait, what?" I blinked in surprise, but received no answer.

Instead, the hollow leapt toward me with it's sharp claws extended. I just barely escaped him using flash step, ending up on some monkey bars not too far from the hollow.

"What the hell?!" I stood up straight, pointing at the hollow in outrage. "we never made any rules!"

"I did" it shrugged. "I just didn't tell you about them"

"Bah! I should've known, you can't trust a hollow" I glowered at the hollow before raising my palm. "Hado Thirty Three, Sokatsui*!"

The hollow leapt out of the way, dodging the blast of blue fire I had sent it's way. It struck the ground near my gigai, and the gikon* inside of it squealed.

"Hiiiimeee-saaamaaa!" it whined in a high pitched voice. "You almost hit me!"

"Then get out of the way" I snapped at her. It had been so long since I had used her, I had forgotten how annoying she could be. "And take the children with you"

"But Hiiimee-saaamaaa.."

"What is it?!"

"I can't move"


I had completely forgotten about the poison affecting my gigai. Well, it's a good thing it wasn't a real body, because I'm sure the poison has already reached it's chest. I had to get the hollow away from my gigai and the children. Tessai would never let me live it down if I got this gigai destroyed. I started to grin as I recalled a game I once saw some children playing.I flash stepped over to the right of the hollow, it could barely let out a cry of surprise before I kicked it's side as hard as I could. It screamed, rather high pitched, as it was sent flying.

"Touchdown!" I grinned triumphantly.


I looked toward the girl, who was looking at the ground while scuffing it with her shoe."It's 'Goal'"

"..oh. Whoops" I laughed awkwardly while scratching the back of my head. "Well, I've got to go kill that monster. I'll be back soon"

I didn't wait for them to say anything, to desperate to get out of that embarrassing situation as fast as I possibly could. Talk about a bruised ego. I don't think I would've lived it down if anyone else heard that blunder. I found the hollow a few metres away from where we originally were, it's body crashed into a tree. Said tree was now laying on the ground. I hope I don't get in trouble for deforestation. It stumbled up and looked at me, a growl bursting free from it's snout.

"You'll regret that"

I was about to retort, but then it did that shocked me speechless. It stood up. On two legs. What the hell. How was this possible? Wasn't it supposed to be like a cheetah? Cheetah's can't stand up on two legs.

"Dude! I'm pretty sure you're violating some nature laws here"

"The laws of Nature don't count for hollows" It grumbled before rolling it's shoulders. It's sleek build was slowly being replaced by muscles, I could see veins strain against the non-armoured parts of it's body.

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