Chapter 6

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(Picture was made with Picrew)

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(Picture was made with Picrew)

I needed a break. Kurosaki Ichigo was a magnet for trouble. Ever since Kisuke had asked me to watch him, it was one thing after the other. And I finally had enough.

Today, I stayed at the shop. I slept in late, ignored Ururu's gentle prodding to wake up. And it was the best decision I had made in a while. It was afternoon when I finally decided to wake up and grace the world with my presence. The first place I decided to visit was the kitchen, because I was starving.

Tessai had left me some food, the absolute sweetheart, and I just heated it up in the microwave. While it was in the process of heating, I had a commotion and groaned. I couldn't even have a single day off, could I? I could have chosen to ignore it, but I wasn't the best at making decisions. I wouldn't be where I am now if I was.

I headed to the front door and slid it open, scowling. "What the hell is-"

I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a black cat in Kisuke's arms. Tears started welling up in my eyes before I cried out. "Yoruichiiii!"

I flash stepped over to Kisuke and snatched the cat right out of his arms, instead cradling her in my arms and nuzzling my head against hers. She returned the gesture, starting to purr.

"I missed you so much" I sobbed. "Why didn't you come visit sooner?"

"I'm sorry, Yumika" Yoruichi spoke, her voice in her cat form was far too deep. It was a bit unnerving, but there was nothing she could do about it. "I meant to come by sooner, but things have been.."

"Hectic, I know" I sighed. "Things are starting, aren't they? That's why you're here?"

"Unfortunately" she sighed.

"Well, we can talk about it later" I chirped up, and started going back towards the store. "Let's catch up! I need to tell you about all the crap Kisuke has had me do!"

All the while, Kisuke was standing still, arms still in the position as when Yoruichi was in them, eyes still a little wide. I didn't really care, though. Yoruichi was my sister before she was his friend, and I deserved her first. When I turned into the house, I saw that he had finally changed. He was now facing us, and he had this soft smile on his face that made my heart race a little.

What the hell.


"I didn't think you'd ever go to a human high school. You didn't even like the academy" Yoruichi purred from where she was resting on my stomach, my hand gently stroking her fur. She wasn't wrong, I hated my academy days. I was grateful they didn't last long.

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