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Buenos Aires 

Benson Manison - Outside

Luna and Ida were standing beside each other, looking at the letter in the brunette cousin's hands, when a honk was heard behind them, making them jump and turned to see what it came from, only revealing the limo, and Miguel in the driver's seat. Tino and Cato, who were stood behind the tree still, hide even more behind it, when they saw the car driving up to the gate, not wanting to be seen. 

"Dad, you scared us," Luna told him, as the car stopped beside the cousins, and Luna looked inside the window on the passenger seat. 

"What are you doing there?" Miguel asked them. 

"We were about to go in," Ida answered. 

"Get in," Miguel told them. "Your mom/aunt is waiting." 

"Okay," Luna and Ida told him in unison. 

Luna jumped in the passenger seat in the front, as Ida jumped in the back. 

"How was your day?" Miguel asked them. 

"Fine," Luna and Ida answered. 

"Fine," Miguel repeated, before the doors closed, and he started to drive, through the gate. 

"There's something we have to tell you," Luna told her father. 

"Okay," Miguel told her, glancing at her. 

The limo drove past the gate, and the gate closed behind it. 

Tino and Cato walked out from hiding up to the gate, standing right outside it. 

"We did it," Cato exclaimed, before thehy high fived, missing the first time, so they had to do another one. 

The two men turned around, and started to walk away. 

"Finally the rabbit is in the pan," Cato exclaimed.

"What?" Tino asked, confused. 

"The rabbit is in the pan," Cato repeated. "It's what you say when things go according to plan."

Tino shook his head. "No, you say, 'The lizard is in the cave,' or 'The bird is in its nest.'" 

"Or 'the crocodile is in the tub'," Cato told him. 

Tino shook his head. "Not that." 

"Why not?" Cato asked, as he took a broom from Tino. 

"Because a crocodile is too big to fit in a tub, Cato," Tino answered. "

"Sure," Cato told him. "What if it's a baby crocodile?" 

Tino thought for a moment. "Maybe."

Cato became to sweep the street. 

"What are you doing?" Tino asked confusingly. 

"Sweeping," Cato answered. "I'm a street cleaner. I told you already." 

"But it's not real," Tino told him. 

"So we should be wearing a police or clown costume," Cato explained. "I would be a good clown." Cato began to walk away, making Tino sigh, and rub his head. "Really good." 

Tino followed shortly after, taking the trash can with him. 

Jam & Roller 

Locker Room 

Àmbar, Delfi and Jazmín were still standing in front of Nina at her locker, Ámbar holdingup Nina's earing, making the brunette look at it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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