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Benson Mansion - Living Room

Luna, Ida and Sharon were still standing in the living room of the house, Ida add Luna standing beside each other, adn Sharon behind the couch, leaning on it. Luna was holding the phone. 

"Excuse me," Ida spoke up. "Does Sol Benson and Ida Bilder live here?" 

Sharon stood up, and reached her hand out for the phone. "Give me that." 

Luna walked forward, and gave it to her. Sharon took it and hung up, and looked up at the cousins with an serious look. "Wrong number. What did I tell you about using my phone?" 

"I'm sorry," Luna apologized. "We didn't--" 

"Leave!" Sharon ordered, as she pointed her finger out of the room, to show the cousins that they should leave. 

Luna and Ida turned and walked out, towards the kitchen. 

Sharon had a worried look on her face, and turned around and leaned back on the head of the couch, looked down at the phone in her hand, then around the room, and then down on the floor. "Rey!" 

Retirement Home - Tino & Cato's Office

Tino put down the phone, when he didn't get a respond. 

Cato stood up, from his chair, as he looked at his friend, and sat down in the chair across from Tino instead. "They hung up because you took so long to talk." 

Tino gasped. "I you are so perfect, why didn't you call?" 

Yes, I'm going to call," Cato told him, as he picked the phone up. "And the girls and I are going to get along great." 

Cato was going to dial the number, when Tino stopped him. 

"Sharon," Tino corrected. "Sol and Ida is the girls." 

"But you called and asked for the girls," Cato informed. 

"I asked for Sol and Ida?" Tino asked confused. 

"Yes," Cato told him, as he dialed the number. "I'm going to call, and ask for the lady." 

Tino took hold of the phone. "You are not going to call!" 

The two were going back and forth while they were holding the phone in between them. 

"Let go, you had your chance," Cato told Tino. 

"But they hung up," Tino explained. 

Cato pulled the phone towards him, making Tino lose his grip on it. Then Tino took hold of it again, Cato taking hold of it with his free hand, then Tino tried to use his free hand, but there weren't space for it. 

Cato let one of his hands go from the phone, and cheered. "Let go." 

Benson Manison - Living Room 

Sharon was still in the living room, leaning against the ledge of the couch, when Rey walked in. 

"What's going on, Ms. Benson?" Rey asked, stopping in front of Sharon. "Are you okay?" 

"Someone called asking for my nieces," Sharon explained. 

"Your nieces?" Rey asked in disbelief. "Who?" 

"That's what I'd liek to know," Sharon told him. The phone rang again, Sharon looked down to her phone on it.

"Don't worry," Rey assured, as he reached his hand out for the phone. "I'll answer." 

Sharon gave the phone to Rey. 

"Hello?" Rey answered into the phone. 

"May I talk with Ms. Shadon?" Cato asked from his side. 

Worlds Colliding Soy Luna [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now