"Chapter 1"

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The night has ended its reign as the sun peaks over the horizon and shines over the world.

Enterprise wakes up on her bed feeling somewhat odd

Enterprise: Ugh... What time is it?

She then looked at her clock and stood up, preparing for the day. Once she's done, she went outside her room and headed towards the mess hall, which she was greeted by those who passed by her

Suffolk: Goodmorning Enterprise!

Enterprise: G-Goodmorning...

After making it inside the mess hall, she went to the counter and got her breakfast

Nevada: Here you go!

Enterprise: Thanks...

She then walked towards a vacant table and started munching away.

Enterprise: Something feels different... have I been doing this the entire time? Let's see... First I arrived fighting those shipgirls from Sakura Empire, then I saved my sister, and then the Dragon Empery, and then Belfast did some talking to me... The fight with that crazy girl and her sister, the one in that cold place that felt like the arctic... I wouldn't want that to happen again... And then Orochi... The peace treaty and now the ceremony....
Is this what has been happening? Something seems to be missing... Like-


Enterprise sprung up, spilling her juice in the moment

???: We'd like to get a proper greet from everyone in this base today since we're gonna be taking over, I'll be your commander from here on out, Cmdr. Ernest R. Hughes, a good day to be alive soldiers. Now why don't we started giving names... Starting with the cute little girl over there.

Everyone inside gave him a salute and introduced themselves one by one.

Laffey: DD-459, USS Laffey, Benson-class destroyer...

Javelin: P-Pennant number F61, HMS Javelin, J-class destroyer of her majesty's fleet!

And the introduction goes on and on and on until it made it to her, being the most decorated shipgirl in the entirety of the Eagle Union

Enterprise: CV-6! USS Enterprise, Yorktown-class aircraft carrier, better known as the Grey Ghost!

Everyone inside was amazed of her introduction, even making the new commander smile

Ernest: If it isn't the Grey Ghost herself, I'm looking forward to sinking siren ships with you.

Enterprise: Same goes to me sir!

Ernest: Well, I'll leave you all to your breakfasts, I might've actually been the cause of that spill on the floor.

Ernest and his officers then took off in a convoy, leaving the mess hall and heading towards the base's other infrastructure

Kent: Hey! Hey! Enterprise, that was a cool introduction you said back there! You really got that main character energy!

Enterprise: Um... main character energy?

Suffolk: Yes! You're like the strong hero who will save the world from the devilish king of hell!

Enterprise: I...I don't know what you're talking about.

Enterprise then stood up and left the mess hall

Suffolk: She even have that main heroine aura... Okay! I've decided! We will help Enterprise in her story of fighting the Siren! It will be a children's book in the future!

Everyone in the mess hall shouted with agreement to Suffolk's statement, even without knowing the challenges they'll face.



Ernest: So this is where I'm gonna be working at.

Ernest now stands infront of the Headquarters of the base

Louis: Commander, this place sure does fit your style.

Louis Moore, Ernest's second in command, a man known for his intellect

Ernest: Ehh, something tells me this needs a bit of renovation before it fits my kind of style.

Louis: Hm, I thought you like buildings like these? Never thought you'd reject your own Headquarters after one look.

Ernest: Well we can worry about that later, what we need to do now is get the place ready for the event... Which brings me to this one simple question...

Louis: And that's?

Ernest: How the fuck do we fit more than six thousand people in a comfortable seat in this already packed base?

Louis: Don't they got a place for that?

Ernest: Why the hell would you place a football field in the middle of this island?

Louis: Well, I'll see what I can do. Let's bring your stuff inside first.

The two then made their way inside and into Ernest's office.


Officer: Admiral, we've got letters from the Union.

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???: Hmm, it's finally happening. We've fought hard and did everything we can, yet we still lost. But look at them, even after what we've done, they still welcome us with both their hands.

Officer: May I ask... Who would be our representative?

???: Tell Yamaguchi and Nagumo to attend the ceremony and represent the beauty of our faction, not the terror of it.


Officer: Großadmiral, we have received letters from Azur Lane.

. . . . .

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???: *Sigh* Had Bismarck and Friedrich not fought in the pacific, we'd have conquered the Royal Isles... But who cares about that right now. I'll allow peace to reign onwards.

Officer: Großadmiral, who would you like to make an appearance for our faction? We'll be traveling with the Royals on our way there.

???: Have Lütjens and Bay attend on my place, I can't see the Royals at the moment.

Officer: Wouldn't that symbolize... T-that you're lazy?

???: It may... But we've lost by a massive margin, I would not like to see them face to face after the embarrassment that happened.
Go on now, deliver the message.

Officer: Jawohl!

. . . . .

. . . . .

???: Lütjens huh? I wonder what he's up to today

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