Chapter 1 Solangelo

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The first month of the summer.

That's the amount of time Nico spent ogling Will Solace.

The next month Nico spent his time running in the other direction, avoiding Will at any means necessary. Long gone were the times they'd pass by each other, murmuring a hello and a secretive smile. Passing each other in the morning on the way to what ever activities they were going to. Passing each other on the way to the dining pavilion. Passing each other on the way back to their cabins for a good nights rest. Will had a sad expression spread across his face every time he saw Nico walking away in the other direction, but Nico being Nico he of course was to blinded to see it.

He had no clue how much his absence disappointed Will, that is, if two nights ago accounted for anything.

Nico had been avoiding Will, and he was sick of it. Tonight was the night. He was going to confront Nico about it and tell him everything. Including how he feels.

Will was scared about coming out to his family. He knew they wouldn't care. He knew his father wouldn't care, given the fact his dad, Apollo, god of the sun, was bisexual. It was more so the when and how that frightened him

Will's face lit up on a wide grin as he spotted Nico walking about three feet ahead of him, heading toward the dining pavilion like everyone else. From where he was standing he could see nico clenching and unclenching his fists in frustration. He separated from his siblings, earning curious gazes from everyone but he just waved them off. He quickly sprinted up to Nico, walking along side him.

"Hey, Nico said Will." Will watched as the other boy jumped nearly a foot in the air, having not noticed the Apollo boy until now.

"Hey, murmured Nico, trying his best not to look at him."

"How are you? asked Will."

"Fine said Nico stiffly, How are you?"

"A lot better now that I'm next to you said Will, winking flirtatiously, then a second later scolding himself for being so forward."  muttering something to himself, shaking his head in frustration.

Will stared at the ground miserably for a while before he rejoined his siblings on the way to dinner.

"So much for that" Will thought to himself.

"Stupid Travis" Nico thought to himself as he limped back to his cabin. He'd decided to get in some combat practice and he'd foolishly excepted when Travis volunteered to help. The stupid Stoll twin slashed him along the calf. It didn't cut deep but it stung like tartarus. As he reached his room he for once noticed that the cabin was empty. Hazel must being hanging out with frank right now he thought. Nico quickly stripped off his clothes and got into the hot shower, the steaming water causing the dried up blood to swirl down the drain. Nico couldn't help thinking of Will. His smile. His laugh. The way his abs glistened with water whenever he and one of his friends or siblings went down to the beach. Aah,  just thinking of Will like that made Nico hard.

Looking down at his hardened member Nico shifted awkwardly, the erection almost at the point of painful. Uh, stupid Will and his insane hotness. Nico slowly sent his hand down, wrapping it around the base of his cock. He closed his eyes as he pulled down, running his hand down his shaft and back up in quick strokes. Nico reaches down with his other hand to cup his balls, squeezing them gently.

"Oh Gods Nico groaned, Oh Gods, Will, Yes!" Nico pictures the young Apollo boy in his mind, stroking faster. After a few more quick strokes Nico spurts into his hand, completely unaware of the Apollo boy listening outside the door that had come to check out his wounded leg.

Taking a deep breath, I silently crept away from the bathroom door. All I'd come for was to make sure Nico was alright. For weeks, whenever anyone brought up Nico or he was somewhere nearby, all of my friends and siblings would tease me relentlessly. I knew they were just kidding, I don't think anyone knew that I was gay, and even if they had the slightest idea that I was, I'm sure they had no idea that it was Nico that I'd been obsessing over. I tried to walk away as soon as he was brought up. It wasn't that I was ashamed of Nico, just that I wasn't ready for everyone to know.

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