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(Nimitz Dream)

Nimitz is at the ocean, it is dark everywhere.

....:Oh, Nimitz... HAHAHAHA

Nimitz:Who's that?

Nimitz turn around, he saw his Dark version of him.

Nimitz:You again?!, what do you want?

Dark Nimitz:To remind you, the Orochi is coming. It will be the end for human races. Ehehehe....HAHAHAHAHA

Nimitz:You bastard!

Dark Nimitz:I'll be joining with it, but first, I must use your body.

Nimitz:Then, you have to go through me.

Dark Nimitz:I won't fight with you, cause it's boring. *SNAPS!*

Chain emerges from the water, it restrained at Nimitz ankles, and Wrists.

Nimitz:Damn it!

Dark Nimitz starts walking toward him.

Nimitz:What are you doing?!

Dark Nimitz:Let the darkness be with you. Eheheheh....HAHAHAHAHA

Nimitz:STAY AWAY!!

As he approach Nimitz. He began to possesed at him.


Nimitz was sleeping at his room, then he woke up. His eyes are red, because of Dark Nimitz possesion.



Ford is standing at the end stern of his ship, staring at ocean. Suddenly, he felt something soft on his back, then hands reach around him then hugged him.He blushes.


Wales:ufufufu. How do you know it was me?

Ford:I know your body.

Wales huggs him more.

Ford:Hey, I have to tell you something.

Wales:Yeah, what is it?

Ford:The day when we fought on the abandoned city. I saw this girl. She is from the Iron Blood. She is tall, has large bust, long blonde hair, wearing a black uniform, and black navy hat. She also wears a cape, and looks like Enterprise.

Wales:That is Bismarck, the leader of Iron Blood.

Ford:Oh, so that's Bismarck.

Wales:Yes, Big sis George has a rivalry with her.

Ford:And, the other girl I saw, she's look like Bismarck, but she has short hair, and white uniform, and a cape covering her right side.

Wales:Well, It's the queen of the north.

Ford:So that is Tirpitz?

Wales:Yes, my love. Why you asked this kind of questions?

Ford:O-oh.... It's nothing.

Wales then squeeze hug him.

Wales:No, tell me.


Blushing.She squeeze him even harder.

Wales:Say it! I won't letting you go, if you don't say it.

Ford:W-well, I think, I like them aswell.
They are beautiful, tall, large bust and Voluptuous bodies, just like you and your sisters.

USS Nimitz and USS Gerald R. Ford on Azur Lane ( 2 Nuclear Carriers x Azur Lane)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt