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Ford was now on the sick bay still unconscious. The 3 KGV are resting on the side laying their head on his body. Wales then starts to wake up.

Wales:Ford please wake up*sobs*. Please, I love you.

Ford starts to regain conscious and slowly open his eyes.

Ford:I love you too.


Wales hugs him pressing her breast on his head.

Ford:MMMHHH!!! I....CAN'T.....BREATH!!

Wales let go.

Wales:Oh, sorry about that.

Then Duke and George wakes up too. They hugs him.

Duke:Darling you're awake.

George:How are you feeling?

Ford:I'm fine, Thank you.

Nimitz then came to the sick bay.

Nimitz:Kouhai, you're awake how do you feel now?

Ford:I'm senpai, thank you for saving me.

Nimitz:Anytime Kouhai. Well I better go now. George, Wales, Duke take care of him.

KGV class:We will because we love him.

Nimitz then leaves the sick bay.


Enterprise was sleeping on his bed. Belfast then enters her room. Enterprise opens her eyes looks at her

Belfast:Good morning, Enterprise.

Enterprise now putting her cloak on.

Belfast:Breakfast is ready.

Belfast gave the hat on her and put it on.
Enterprise looks at her ration bars.

Enterprise:Let's eat at the mess hall.


Nimitz:Hey, Nevada.

Nevada:Oh, Nimitz, what can I get you today.

Nimitz:Can I get a Ham and Pancakes and one Oxy-Cola.

Nevada:Ham and Pancakes and one Oxy-Cola coming right up.

Nevada gives the food at him.

Nimitz:Thank you.

Nevada You're welcome.

Nimitz finds a table then he saw Belfast and Enterprise eating.


Belfast:Oh, Nimitz.

Enterprise:How is Ford well.

Nimitz:He is fine.

Nimitz then sit on the chair place his meal on the table.


Nimitz, Belfast, and Enterprise walking at the Hallway.

Repulse:Hello, Enterprise, How are you doing?

Enterprise:Hi, not bad, thank you.

Renown:Hey, Repulse! Don't run in the hallway!

Cleveland:Hey, Enterprise!

Cleveland went at Enterprise.

Cleveland:I never introduce my sisters, right? Come on, say hi.

Columbia:I'm Columbia, 2nd of the Cleveland-class. Nice to meet you!

USS Nimitz and USS Gerald R. Ford on Azur Lane ( 2 Nuclear Carriers x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now