The morning after

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I woke up, got my phone from the side draw and looked what time it was, it read 9:30am. I got up looked around the hotel and realised I weren't in my hotel room. I went into the bathroom but it was locked. i went back to the bed and sat on it & looked through my facebook. I heard the bathroom door opened, I quickly looked up an seen Brad standing there, then everything flashed back from lastnight.

"Morning" he said

"Morning" I said shyly

"Did you sleep well" He said

"Yeah, hotel bed was so comfy" I laughed

After 20 minutes talking about everything about what happened lastnight, I ran in the bathroom, wiped my makeup off from lastnight, put my hair in a scraggy bun an put brads tracksuit on that he gave me to go to my hotel.

Myself, Faye & the boys was in James hotel, at this point it was 11am, Faye and I didn't have any miss calls or messages from the girls so we thought they must be still sleeping. so we sat with the boys till they phoned us or messaged us.

"So, did you two get up to anything lastnight" James said looking at me and Brad.

"Well, that would be telling" I laughed

"So that's a yes, you naughty fuckers" Tristan said, we all laughed

After a long hour, talking an getting to know the boys more an talking about random things, Katie had finally phoned us.

"What time did you phone that taxi" faye said

"2 minutes ago" I said

"I need to get back to the hotel, I feel like a tramp" Faye said

"We'll be there soon, just wait" I said

We waited for 20 minutes till the taxi was finally here. Faye went down to the taxi first, I ran to brads hotel room with him, got my clothes & charger an left his room. Brad walked me down to the taxi, paps were everywhere. I couldn't wait to get in the taxi.

"See you whenever then" Brad said

"See you in 2 weeks" I laughed

"Yeah, have put my number in your phone, so message me" he said

"Will do, see you later" I smiled, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and hugged me.

Me & Faye finally got back to our hotel room.

"So were was you two lastnight" Rachael said

"Well, we went to the vamps' hotel with them" Faye said

"Seriously, or you joking" Katie said

"Seriously, Tashas even got selfies in bed with brad" faye laughed

"Omg, let me see" Katie said

"And they got up to something" Faye said

"Did you now" Rachael said

"We kissed, that's all" I said

"Omg, seriously did you kiss Brad from the vamps omg" Katie screamed, I laughed and showed them the pictures of me and Brad in the hotel room lastnight.

"Omg, I ship you an Brad so much" Rachael said

"Oh shut up" I said

"So what next with you and brad" Katie said

"Well, he put his number in my phone, lastnight so who knows" I said

"Awh cute" Katie said

It was now 2 in the afternoon, I got dressed into nude colour sandals, an white skater dress, put my normal makeup on and packed everything an left for the train home.

The train home was so long, it felt like forever to get home, we was finally back in Liverpool, it was 6pm. I decided to phone my mum to come pick us all up from town.

"Hello love, you at the train station" mum said

"Yes, lime street, will you come get us please"

"I'm waiting outside for you" she said

It took a hour to get home, we dropped Faye Rachael and Katie at there houses, we were finally home. I ran upstairs, put my pyjamas on , put all my dirty clothes in the washing basket an went back downstairs to Jess & mum who were on the livingroom.

"So, was London good" mum said

"Yes, amazing. loved it" I said

"Yes, and what's going on with you and that Brad from the vamps" Jess said

"What you going on about" I asked confused

"It's all over Twitter, you out lastnight with them all, coming out of the club looking all cosy with Brad, getting in the taxi just you an him, going into the hotel then this morning, him coming out the hotel looking all cosy with you, is there something your not telling us" Jess laughed.

"Ohhh, we just had so much fun, nothing serious, we kissed that's all an I slept in the hotel room with him because Katie and Rachael went home because they was tired an by the time we were going home we realised, mine and Faye's keys were in my bag which Katie took to the hotel with her, and they would of been asleep by the time we were going home, so the boys asked us to stay over in there hotel" I smiled

"Haven't they all got girlfriends" Jess said

"Brads the only one who hasn't" I smiled

"Oh right" Jess said

"I hope, if you do get all serious with this Brad lad from the famous boyband, that you do be careful" mum said

"Mum, I only kissed him an it hasn't even been 24 hours since I kissed him, calm down, surely if we do get serious which we probably won't, it will take more then 24 hours"i laughed.

"Well, I'm only being a protective mother" she said.

After 3 hours chatting with mum and sister, it was now 10pm, I decided to go upstairs, brush my teeth an get into bed. I logged onto Twitter and my notifications was full of people asking if me and Brad were together and with pictures of me and Brad out lastnight, getting into the taxi after the club, going into the hotel lastnight and this morning coming out of the hotel.

I decided to tweet "finally home from london, been a good weekend away, loved it, Birmingham should be good in 2 weeks whoop!! Night guys" I looked at my followers and I had gained 5,000 followers in like 2 days. I logged out and logged into my Instagram.

I had loads of new followers, I checked and Brad James Tristan Connor and the band account had followed me and loads of there fans. I looked on there profiles, and Connor had uploaded a picture of lastnight with all 8 of us saying " great meeting these girls, had such a laugh, bring on Birmingham" I liked it, James had also put a picture up of him with us 4 girls saying " absolutely loved lastnight with these four girls @natashalee @fayebrooke @katiejohnson & @rachaellewis ☺️". I also liked that, after looking through Instagram for about an hour, I decided to log out and put my phone on charge. my eyes were closing over, about 5 minutes last I fell asleep.

*sorry if this is crap, it was so rushed because I'm tired😂, will update tomorrow*

It all started at meet & greet (Brad Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now