chapter 7

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"What a coincidence to see you here." Sapphire smirked evilly. Right behind her was Elliot. I hate them so much and my temper isn't going to hold back anymore. "Oh hi Sapphire and Elliot." Bea said awkwardly. "I've seen you both bought your dresses." I nodded, "Yes we did." I gave her a cold glare she'll never forget. "That's great! C'mon Elli we need to go find my dress." I looked at Elliot and he just kept his head down. "Goodbye!" I smiled at sapphire. As we headed out, a cold hand reached for my wrist. "V-Victoria." I looked back and made eye contact with Elliot. His eyes were bloodshot, bags under his eyes. "Have you not been sleeping lately?" I asked him in a worried tone. "No I-I haven't."

"Elliot! I need you to get your butt over here!" He wouldn't let go of me. "Elliot let go of my wris- Victoria don't leave please." he begged. Oh no he hasn't been drinking his blood tablets. "Elliot you need to drink your blood t- I don't need those stupid pills, I need you!" He shouted. I felt tears forming in my eyes and I pulled my hand away, "I-I'm sorry, you wanted to leave me and went to Sapphire, I wish you a happy day." That's all I said after I left with Bea to the bus stop.


"What was that all about?" Bea asked me. "Well I guess he regrets being with Sapphire." As the bus came towards our side I heard a voice, "Victoria please!" I looked to my left and saw Elliot running towards me, "Go get your man Victoria." Bea smirked and headed in the bus. "Victoria!" He shouted again. I headed in the bus and ignored his voice. "Why didn't you go to Elliot?" "I just don't want to forgive him right now." As the bus was final moving I heard my name again, "Victoria!" I looked out the window and saw Elliot chasing the bus.

All of a sudden he stopped and collapsed on the floor. "Oh no! We need to stop this bus now!" I went to the bus driver, "Ma'am I need you to sit down right no- No! Stop the bus please!" I cried. "No I cannot do- please!" He sighed and stopped the bus and I quickly ran towards Elliot. "E-Elliot!" I cried out. As I went towards him, he looked paler than before. "Elliot please wake up, don't do this to me." He couldn't wake up at all and I knew exactly how to wake him up. I put him close to my neck. "Just bite me, do it!" Before I knew it a stinging sensation went through my the skin of my neck. The sound of him gulping down my blood makes me feel like he's safe with me.

Right after he finished, I rubbed the blood off his mouth and from my neck. "Elliot." I spoke softly. Tears dropped onto his cheeks. "Victoria I'm glad your here with me." He smiled weakly at me. His smile makes everything better. "Elliot come with me back to the dorms and leave that witch." He nodded. "Anything for you." I got up with him and went towards the bus that stopped. As I looked at him again his color had came back and his eyes were turning back to normal. We went into the bus and I had paid for Elliot. I'm glad that witch didn't follow him.

I had put him into a seat and sat next to him. The first thing I did was hug him like if there was no tomorrow. "I missed you Elliot." I buried my face into his neck. "I missed you too Victoria." I know he wouldn't hug back, but hugging him somehow made me feel better. I letted him go and sat there awkwardly. "So your going to the dance with that beast are you." He sounded not very happy. "Uh-yeah." I made a signal to Bea to talk as well. "Don't worry Elliot, I'll be with Victoria okay." she giggled. "But I guess we are the same, you don't like me being with Harry, and I don't like Sapphire." I blurted out. "I guess." he sighed.


| 20 minutes later |

Bea, Elliot, and I had finally arrived back to the dorms. I saw Harry, Oliver, and the rest of the night class searching for something? As I came closer to them my father shouted, "VICTORIA!" He ran to me and hugged me tightly, "I thought you were kidnapped." he cried. "F-Father your crushing me." I tried to say. He let me go, "Harry and the other were searching for you too, where were you?" I sighed, "Oliver, I was at the town looking for dresses for the winter dance." I showed him the bag, He smiled widely, "Who asked you to the dance?" I saw Harry coming this way and moved Elliot out of the way, then put his arm around my waist. "I did actually." Oliver laughed, "I knew it, for a second there I thought Elliot was the one taking you." I had felt the tension between Elliot and Harry growing by each minute. "Victoria come with me for a second." Harry asked me. I nodded. "Okay."

He took me somewhere behind the building, "What do you want now?" I asked. He grabbed my arm and moved my hair to the right side. "You let him bite your neck didn't you." He sounded upset. I moved him out of the way, "It was for a cause Harry! He could have died if I didn't do anything!" He chuckled, "I think things would have been better that way." he smirked.

I felt rage in myself to let it out on Harry, but I couldn't. He was the one who saved me from the horrible demon, I can't just disrespect him like that.

"Why do you hate Elliot so much?!" I shouted in anger. "That's not for you not to know." He gave me a cold glare. Then he stroked my cheek, "Oh Victoria." he smiled cheekily. I froze in place not knowing what he'll do next.

He let out a hmph and left back to the others. I let myself collapse to the floor. "I d-don't understand. I frowned. "Victoria are you okay?" I heard a gentle voice. Beatrice was standing next to me, "Y-Yeah I'm fine." I gave a weak smile towards her.

I just don't understand, why is it so hard for them to get along. I know Elliot hates creatures like Harry, but isn't Elliot one as well?

"Let's go." I got up and grabbed my bag. As I headed out from behind the building, I heard Elliot talking to someone. "You can have Victoria, it doesn't matter to me." I gasped in disbelief.

Who did he say that to?


Authors note: Hi guys! Hope you like this part :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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