chapter 6

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I heard the door slam open and saw Harry furiously mad. "What the hell are you doing Louis!" He shouted angrily at me. When he was about to punch me straight on the face Victoria push him out of the way, then passed out. Harry carried her do the bed and laid her there. "Why did you drink her blood, you know she's fra- Oh god are you going to start with your bullshit again?! Seriously why do you even give your affection towards her?!" Harry looked like he was about to burst any second now. He looked back at her and saw the Rose pendant on her. "Why'd you give her your fiancés pendant from many generations of your family?"

Your not the only one who cares about her you know, I took her from crying while running back to her dorms. She's different when she doesn't have her guard up. "She said that it was very pretty, so I decided to give it to her." I smirked. "Get out." "But this is my room?!" The window suddenly broke out of nowhere. "O-Okay I'll leave." I think I got him more upset than he is now.


I was walking down a road and saw Sapphire and Elliot. As I came closer to them, it felt like I was never catching up to them. "Elliot!" I cried out. "Elliot!" I shouted again. It was no use he couldn't hear me. I fell onto the floor and let tears fall from my eyes. "E-Elliot." I said one last time to myself. "Victoria?" I looked to my side and saw Harry next to me. He grabbed my hand and put me up. As I stood there with my head down, he lifted up my chin and looked deep into my eyes. "Victoria!" I ignored that voice and closed my eyes.


I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was on a bed with Harry on my side. "H-Harry?" I murmured. He looked at me and weakly smiled, "How are you feeling?" I felt a pain on my left side of my neck. "O-Ow!" I cried out in pain. "Don't worry the pain only lasts a day." I got up from the bed and I felt the necklace that Louis gave me. "Bye harr- You cried for Elliot did you?" He interrupted me with his question. "N-No I didn't." He chuckled, "Your eyes are red and puffy, Victoria you can't fool me. Now about Elliot- Leave Elliot out of this conversation Harry!" I rudely said. "C'mon Victoria why do you cry for a guy who doesn't like you! It's no use he likes Sapphire and Sapphire only!" He exclaimed. I realized that was true, he asked out Sapphire and looked like he was about to kiss her. He loves her as you can highly tell. I'm just his friend since I was 11 years old. "Harry I think I need to leave." I was about to walk out of the room until he closed it back shut. "You still haven't answered my question about the winter dance." I looked back at him in fear of what can happen next. I gulped, "I'll go with you to the dance Harry." He smirked and came closer to me.

"Looked Victoria I am the only one who cares about you." he kissed my forehead. Somehow I feel this angry feeling in me that I want to take out on him. As I headed out the door I saw Catherine and Louis talking. "Why does Lord Harry even like her? She's not even special at all." I looked down and rushed out the building without making eye contact with them.

As I was walking down the road, I saw a person sitting down under a tree. "Hey you can't be here!" I shouted. I ran closer to the person and saw it was the guy that was staring at me in the lunch area. "H-Hey your not suppose to be here." I said softly. "I-I'm sorry." He got up and walked back towards the dorms, "Hey wait!" He looked back at me. "If you wondering what my name is its Michael." That's all he said and went back straight down the road. Michael? So that's his name.


I finally made it the dorms and saw that's the bell barely rung and everyone started to leave. I saw Bea walking in the building, "Bea!" I shouted. She looked back and saw me. She smiled and waved. As I catched up to her she started asking me these questions, but I decided not to tell her anything and make up lies.

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