chapter 4

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I felt her. I saw her feelings once I tasted her blood. I can't believe it, all those years I thought she would always pick Harry when it comes into serious situations.

What she told Harry was a lie, she is having mixed emotions. I looked at myself at the mirror and thought for a second. I need to ask her to come with me at the winter dance. That is my only chance to fix those mixed emotions that she has on both of us.


I had finished showering and heard a knock on the door. "Hey it's me Oliver." "It's fine you can come if you want." I heard the door creak open. "I have some bad news Elliot." He gave me a worried look. "W-What is it?"

"There is a possibility you can grow uncontrollable, which is Stage 5." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?" I gulped, "It means once you reach that point your goal is to get as much blood you need, you'll be impossible to stop..." My eyes widened, "No! Isn't there a way to stop before I get stage 5! Please don't let me get to that part." I begged him. "there is a way." I grabbed his shoulder tightly, "Tell me please." I can't let that happen to me, that means I won't be able to be with everyone I know and be alone...alone all over again.

"You have to drink the vital fluid from a pure-blood." The only pureblood I know is...Harry. I opened the door and ran to the office. I heard two people talking. "Hello Victoria." I know that voice anywhere....its Harry's voice.


"Hello Victoria." Harry smiled at me. "Where did you come from?" He chuckled, "From the window love." he sniffed the air, "Is there cupcakes here?" "Yeah, but we have- who's we?" He questioned me. I gulped, "Elliot and I, do you have a problem with that?" My voice risened, "No I never said I have a problem with that, anyways I'm here because I want to ask you to the winter dance." My eyes widened, "T-The winter dance?" But Elliot and I have to be the guards for the winter dance.

"I can't! I have to guard the winter-don't worry it doesn't matter, so is it a yes or no?" He simply said with no emotion. "I don't know yet harry, this is all so sudden, I don't even have a dress!" He laughed, "I'll get you a dress babe." Babe? Did he really just call me that?

"I think about it, okay?" I took a deep breath. "Fine with me." Harry came in closer to my face and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I froze there in shock. "Goodnight love you need some rest, I'll call off the night class today." Before I had the chance to say anything, he just disappeared out of the blue. I heard the door creek open,"Elliot?" He looked gloomy, "I'm just here for my backpack that's all, then I'll get going." Did he just overhear what Harry was saying. Oh no please don't tell me. "Elliot wait!" I grabbed a piece of his shirt and tugged it my way, "E-Elliot p-please don't leave me." I cried out. I hugged him from behind as tightly as I can. "P-Please don't leave me I- It's okay I'll stay just for you." I love you Elliot, no matter how many times I have to say it, I love you love you love you! I can't say it face to face, but I love you. You just don't have no idea.

I felt my cheeks getting hot, "Uh Elliot can you s-sleep with me tonight? You don't have to I mean nev- Victoria it's okay I'll go to bed with you for today stop being so nervous." He smiled gently at me. I walked him to my dorm and he had closed the door cautiously.

"Do you think anyone saw you come in?" He shrugged, "No I don't think so, everyone's probably asleep by now anyways." I grabbed a small rubber band and did myself a braid before going to sleep. Elliot started to take off his shirt! "Elliot why are you taking off your shirt?!" "I always sleep like this in my do- well this isn't your dorm it's mine!" I exclaimed. "I'm still going to take of my shirt either way I don't care if you don't like it." He said firmly. I went under the cover of my bed and so did Elliot. We both turned opposite sides, "Goodnight Elliot." I yawned. "Goodnight Victoria." He yawned as well. that was the last thing I said before I fell to sleep.


"Elliot?" I searched everywhere in the dorms for him. I headed to the night class and...oh no! "Elliot!" I cried. Harry held a gun at him. It was the bullets that vampires can die in an instant if they get shot. "Harry! Please don't!" Tears started to brim in my eyes. "Stay away Delilah!" Harry warned Delilah? I'm not Delilah...

I looked from side to side and no one was next to me. "Harry don't! Do not kill Elliot! I'm begging you! Take my life instead!" I bursted into tears. "I'm sorry Delilah, it has to be done." I looked at Elliot, "I love you Victoria remember that." Was the last thing I heard from Elliot before the whole place filled with the noise of the bullet being shot. "NO!" I fell onto the ground. this can't be happening! This isn't real, it's fake! It's all just a dream, I dream that's all. I felt a hand pulling on my wrist, "I don't like filthy things biting or touching the one I love, I'm the only one who can only do that to you, no one else." He said angrily.

I turned around to only see the blood and lifeless body of Elliot Thompson.


I quickly woke up sweating and almost about to cry myself out. Then I looked at my clock and it was 3:30 am. That was the most horrible dream I've ever had in my entire life! "Hey hey you okay?" Elliot tried to keep my calm and not freak out about what just happened. "Y-" I didn't even finish my sentence and before I know it, he was hugging me tightly, "Whatever bad nightmare you've had just remember I'm always here, I'm.. I'm not going to leave you alone." I hugged him tighter. "Thank you." I told him. "Now go back to sleep." He smiled weakly. I nodded and continues to sleep while Elliot holding me. Everything is going to be fine, he is always going to be on my side no matter what.


Authors note: hey lovelies! Finally finished this part! Hope you enjoyed and this time I published it on time. :))

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