Wife - Namjoon

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Author's POV

'Why the hell did he brought me to his business party? It's so fucking boring, he just told me to me sit in a corner and vanished in the crowd. I could have been sitting on my comfortable sofa and watching TV while eating snacks but this raccoon brought me here.' Y/N thought.

Y/N and Namjoon have been married for 6 months now, it was an arrange marriage cause her parents wanted to expand their business. Namjoon doesn't talk much, but she knew that he cared for her.

Well this is what happens in business world. You can't marry someone you love and the thing you always think about is Money.

Someone came and sat beside Y/N. Before she could see who it was that person kept his hand on her thigh making her gasp. She looked to see a man around her age. Her eyes widened and she tried to take his hand off her, but he's too strong.

"Hey, I've never seen you here before." He said, openly flirting with her.

"And I hope you don't, in the future." She replied. She finally took his hand off. He kept his hand around her shoulder and pulled her towards him.

"Why so salty baby?" He said trying to kiss her neck while Y/N kept pushing him.

"Leave me." She was on the verge of crying. He bit her neck leaving a hickey there, she whimpered in pain. His grip was painfully tight on her shoulder.

She tried to push him with all her strength but nothing worked. He took her wrist in his hand dragging her with him to a private room.

Meanwhile Namjoon was talking to his friends about all the deals and stuff. He didn't drink alcohol cause he thought that you're sitting alone and probably drinking so one should be sober enough to get them home. His phone vibrated in his pocket, he thought it must be you, so he took out his phone but no, it wasn't you, it was the guard he told to keep an eye on you. He picked up the call.


"Sir, Mrs.Kim is missing. She isn't there where you left her. I've checked the washrooms, she isn't there too."

He hung up the call without replying. He started searching for Y/N in the crowd but you weren't here. It was the first time he felt scared, scared that he'll lose you, scared that after everything he did for you and him to be together, you'll leave him.

He went upstairs in the private rooms area. He kicked open the first door, the people inside shouted seeing him. He did that with the second door, again you weren't there. He went to the third one kicking it open, again it wasn't you. He went to the last door. 'You have to be here.' He thought kicking open the door. Again it wasn't you. He pulled his hair.

"Where are you Y/N? Please be safe princess." Then he remembered that there are under ground rooms in this bar too, they are for VIP's. He ran down stairs and tried opening up the door but it didn't open. He again did it but no use.

He called the owner of this bar and made him open the room. This all took atleast 30 minutes. When the door opened. The thing he saw made his blood boil. There she was, tied to the bed, crying and pleading that monster to stop ruining her. He was finger fucking her and had stopped when he heard the door open.

Namjoon clenched his fist and punched that guy on his face, he cracked his cheek bone. "How dare you touch her? How dare you touch my wife?" He said while crushing his fingers with his foot.

He looked at Y/N and saw all the blue and purple marks on her. Her lip was busted and she had a hand mark on her cheek. Namjoon took off his coat and went towards her placing it above her. He broke the hand cuffs and took her out, she cried on his shoulder. He motioned his men to take that motherfucker to the dungeon.

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