Quick Reveal

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Clementine's POV...
I woke up and saw Y/n in his bed. He came in late last night after me and AJ went to sleep. He didn't know I was awake at the time. I saw his eyes slowly open and he looked at me. "Hey, Clem." He groaned. His voice was so groggy. It always was when he first woke up in the morning. Maybe its a boy thing since Louis is like that too. "Hi, Y/n. Late night?" I asked.
"What are you talking about?" He questioned.
"I know you came in late last night. What happened? Did Violet get you stuck in a trap?" I joked.
"No, mom. I'll tell you eventually. Or you'll figure it out yourself." He told me, making me raise a brow as his voice went back to normal. He let out a loud groan as he stepped out of bed. I got out of my bed and went to his chair leg that fell and put it up for him. "Thanks." He said. He got it put on his leg and stood up. "Where's your crutch?" I asked.
"I think I left it in the bell tower. I tried practicing last night and I did well." He got up. "Lets let AJ sleep." He said as I grabbed my hat. We left our dorm room.

We went outside to see Aasim and Ruby with themselves. They became a couple not long after the raiders were stopped. Then we saw Louis and Violet talking. I sat next to Louis. "Hey, beautiful." He said as he kissed me.
"Hey, idiot." I gave him a smile as I kissed back. Violet went to Y/n. "Hey, Y/n." She said.
"Hey there, Vi." He smiled at her. Then me and Louis saw their lips connect for a second. Louis' jaw dropped open. He had to do about three double takes. He then stood up. "Wow. I never would've expected it." He said as he gave a slow clap. Y/n and Violet looked at us. "Violet and Y/n."
"Well, sometimes you gotta expect the unexpected." Y/n said.
"I like it. I had the feeling something was happening between you two for a while." Louis said.
"We actually got together just last night." Violet took Y/n'a hand in hers.
"I knew it! I knew Y/n had a crush on Violet!" I rose up. "You kind of made it obvious." I told him.
"Uhh, well..." Both his face and Violet's face started going red. "You caught me, sis." He tapped my shoulder.

Y/n's POV...
I still don't believe me and Violet are together. For so long, i thought I wouldn't find anyone. But i did! Although i didn't want it official for a while, now its a little too late. I kissed Violet on the cheek. She gave a cute, small giggle. "What's going on?" We all heard AJ ask. We all saw he was watching us. "You'll learn when you're older. Sorry little man." Louis said.

Sorry for it being short and quick.

Violet: A The Walking Dead Game X Brother of Clementine Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now