Confess and Kiss

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I followed Violet to the bell tower again. "There you are." I said.
"Hey." Violet turned around with a smile. "Still doing alright?"
"I'll be okay." I told her. "I actually wanted to try something." I said.
"What do you want to try?" Violet asked. I dropped my crutch. I took a breath and started walking. I wasn't doing too well, I was somewhat limping, but it was working. "Easy, Y/n." Violet said, holding a hand out.
"I'm okay." I walked straight forward towards her, not falling or tripping. I grabbed her hand when I got to her. "You did it." Violet said.
"Yeah. You, Louis, and Clem helped. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you." I told Violet.  She smiled at me and nodded. "You up for a climb?" She asked.
"As soon as we can, we're rebuilding this staircase, or placing something in place of stairs, like bricks." I said. "I'm more scared of climbing down...and more scared for you." I gave a smile at the end. Violet went first. I followed her up, lightly groaning sometimes. "You sure you're okay?" Violet asked.
"Yeah, I'm alright. A second leg would just get in the way." I said. I heard Violet let out a giggle. We got to the top. "Maybe we can do a little more stargazing." Violet said.
"Yeah, last time it was a nice way to relax and it was really pretty that night." I said. We both sat down. "Almost like you." I suddenly said to Violet. I couldn't believe i just said that. Am i really gonna flirt with her?
"Uhh...thanks. You're not so bad yourself." Vi said to me. I cleared my throat as a blush appeared on my cheeks. I looked up and saw a constellation. "There's an axe right there." I said. Violet looked where I pointed and saw it. "Yeah, I see it."
"Do we gotta give it a personality?" I asked.
"I'll let it slide." Violet said. I exhaled. "Lets find another."
"I see a bear head. Right there." She said. I connected the stars to see an abstract looking bear head. "I can kind of see it." I said. Violet smiled. "Yeah, it's kind of hard to see."
I kept looking and saw what looked like a mustache in the sky. It reminded me of Kenny.
(?) He will remember that.
"Do you see something?" Violet asked me.
"Oh, no, no. I was just getting lost in thought." I said. The two of us kept staring at the night sky, until Violet suddenly asked me something. "Can i tell you something?" She asked.
"Uhh, of course." I was all ears.
"So, when we first met..."
"...I was left in the woods, and yada yada yada. I forgave you all the moment I found out you were taking care of Clem and AJ." I interrupted her.
"It's not that. When we first met, i was surprised how you took down that walker. I felt like I had already found an interest in you." She told me.
"How nice. I thought you were interesting, too. I still do." I said. Violet smiled and laughed. "You also helped me open my eyes when I was at my lowest. I wish I could take back everything I said to Brody and Marlon now." She told me.
"I'm sure they forgive you. Especially Brody. I could sense some tension between you and her." I told Vi.
"She always asked if we could go on a roadtrip anywhere in the world, and I always waved her off. But...I would go to the Grand Canyon." Violet told me. She followed it up quickly. "I'm glad we're on the same side. And I uhh... shit." Violet mumbled the last part and her head dropped.
"Whats that?" I asked.
"This is more awkward than it seemed in my head." Violet whispered. "I'm sorry." She apologized. I smiled and she lifted her head again. "I'm glad we're on the same side too." I said. Then my mind said fuck it. "I like you, Violet." I said. She seemed stunned by the question, but then her green eyes met my e/c eyes. "I like you too." She said.
"N-no, not as...I mean...look Vi, the way the world is now, the phrase, 'life's too short' has a more literal meaning to it, and its best to not hide your feelings. So...there it is. I-I LIKE like you, Violet." I told her. Her face was red, and mine certainly was too. "Y/n, that's... that's really nice...uhh... well, I should probably say what I tried saying is I like you too." Violet said, sounding as worried as I was.
"Wh-wait, really? I-I thought you were lesbian, though, since you and Minerva..."
"Oh, no, no, I'm bisexual." Violet said. I smiled. " you do like someone." Violet said, calling back to the game. We both let out a chuckle and we looked at each other again. "I have feelings for you, and I want..." I started. I cupped her cheek in my hand and pressed my lips against hers, catching her off guard. She eased into the kiss and kissed back. As I pulled away, she was extremely flustered. She then let out a giggle. "Holy shit."
"That's romantic." I stated. I felt her hand grab mine. We smiled and stared at the bright moon. "If only that thing was out for longer than the night." Violet said.
"There's three things that never stay hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth." I told her. "What do you say we call it a night?"
"I say lets hit the hay." She said. I smiled at her as we got up to leave the bell tower.

Violet: A The Walking Dead Game X Brother of Clementine Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now