What Do I Do Now?!

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Y/n's POV:

As the worm was swallowing us we go through the worm's throat as it seems..? sliding down it like a slide but painfully. As everyone was screaming like their life was about to end right there I get annoyed from the sand getting in my eyes.

"Damn it!" I shout as the sand gets in my eyes. We all fall to the ground with the sand somewhere around in the Worm's body part. Everyone struggles to get up from that hard fall.

"Incoming!" Roberto shouts out which gets everyone's attention looking up ahead of them. Meryl holds Zazie right as she screams at the gas station and car going to hit them but just before that, Vash comes to the rescue and leaps towards them catching them in his arms saving them.

"You guys aren't hurt are you?" Vash asks and Meryl replies,

"No... thanks to you."

They all grunt in relief, something shiny and sharp catches my eye as it comes towards me cutting my cheek. I yell in pain. I put my hand to my cheek and pull it back see my hand dripping of blood from touching my cheek.

"Shit.." Wolfwood mumbles as he walks towards me handing out some bandages from his pocket. Now how did he have that much! He wraps the bandages around the side of my head trying to figure out how to bandage the side of my cheek. He finally finds a spot and tightens it but not that tight.

"There." He says letting go of my head.

"Thanks.." I reply. Everyone signs in relief as they got their balance back to stand up. Everyone looks around to see where they were.

"Ew! It's pretty dang musty down here." Meryl says with a disgust look.

"Watch where your walking lil lady." Meryl looks at Wolfwood with a confused look before looking down at the ground. She makes disgusted sound seeing the amount of skeletons on the ground. But screams as an flying insect with glowing green wings come out of the skull.

"Ohhh! Grody!" Wolfwood chuckles by Meryl's reaction.

"Wait a sec, check him out." We all lay our eyes on the flying glowing insect as it speaks its own language to the worm.

"I've heard something about Worms being interconnected." Meryl says still laying her eyes on the insect.

"You've heard right. That's it's detached electron network. The bigger the worm the more detached the electrons it holds. Judging by its size this guy must be its pillar of his community." Roberto says as he explains.

"Which means?!" Meryl asks Roberto curiously.

"Which means we are inside the head, Honjo." Zazie starts running to run to follow the insect.

"Woah! Don't!" Meryl shouts out to Zazie.

"Hey!" Vash also shouts out to Zazie. They both run after him, I try to keep silent. We all find 4 tunnels while trying to find Zazie.

"Now which one would our friend chose.." Vash says to himself. Just you wait Vash.. he is not your friend, I say to myself in my head.

"The kiddo is quite the twinkle toes." Wolfwood says to Vash and Meryl.

"Your toes might be twinkling if you would put down down that cross." Roberto says to Wolfwood.

"Sorry big man, can't work without it. You never know when you might need a undertaker."

"Hmph." They all get closer to the 4 tunnels. Before I could walk closer to the 4 tunnels with them, I instantly felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I grunt softly so they wouldn't hear me. Ugh! Stomach cramp! I catch up to them hiding my pain.

"We can't waste time." Meryl says to the 4 of us.

"Right then lets split up. The far one is yours, needle nog." Wolfwood says.

"Hm?! Who me?!" Vash asks Wolfwood with a confused look.

"Little lady your next to him."

"It's Meryl Stryfe to you!" Meryl shouts back furiously.

"Old drunkle, take number 3." Roberto makes an annoyed angry noise.

"The last one is me and y/n's" Wolfwood says as I catch up to them. I look at Wolfwood with a surprised look.

"Hey! Who died and made you king?!" Meryl shouts as Wolfwood furiously. Meryl is my idol! I say to my head.

"We can't waste time."

Roberto loads his gun before we all head into the tunnels Wolfwood has chosen us.

"Ladies first~" Wolfwood says to me in a weird ass tone. I replied to him with just an eye roll as I got into the tunnel. We both crouched because of the tiny space which was really awkward and embarrassing for me because Wolfwood was behind me.. I sigh. I have that pain in my stomach but worse again which makes me collapse holding my stomach.

"Oh god.." I groan in pain. Wolfwood looks at me with a confused look.

"What is it?" Wolfwood looks at me laying down holding my stomach, curiously. I try to get back up and before I spoke my eyes widen as I feel something warm coming out of.. you know part. Oh hell no! It can't be happening now! No no no no! I say in my head shaking my head no. What do I do now?! I look at Wolfwood behind me, still staring at me waiting for an answer. "I-I'm fine!" I stutter putting on a fake smile.

"Well.. if you say so." Wolfwood looks at me still thinking there was something wrong with me. I continue to crouch while walking but I only use my arms and hands to get me moving trying not to expose my butt so much. I'm wearing  grey sweatpants.. crap.. I hope it won't bleed through my pants. I hope it can wait. A drop of sweat falls down my forehead.

Wolfwood's POV:

What the hell is happening to her. Why the hell is she just using her arms and hands to move. Crazy girl. I continue to walk crouching following Y/n but see.. blood..? Appearing from her sweatpants. "Hmm?" I say softly raising my eyebrow up. Seconds later I realize that she might be on her period.. so that's why she did that earlier on. I stop to take my jacket off and I slowly pull her by the waist to bring her to my chest. She gasps.

Y/n's POV:

I suddenly feel 2 bit arms wrap around my waist and pull me slowly. I gasp in shock. I feel warmth on my back. I turned my head to see Wolfwood was holding me. He wrapped his Jacket around my hips.

"W-what are you doing..?" I ask Wolfwood but realizing when people do this it means that the person bled through their pants.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry you had to see that!" I say embarrassed and blush uncontrollably. I put my hands on my face covering my embarrassed look.

"It's normal. So don't be scared to tell people." Ugh! This guy doesn't know the rules when you get periods! But at least he understands. I put my hands away from my face.

"I was about to tell Meryl! Not you!"

"Why her and not me!?"

"Since she is the only girl here!" I slapped my forehead. He looks at me with an understandable look.

"Oh.. I understand now." He lets go of me slowly.

"Humph!" We continue to try searching for Zazie.

(Well this will be it for this chapter! Sorry if it was too short 😰. See you in the next chapter, bye!)

Word count: 1260 words

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