Maybe I should Just Keep My Mouth Shut

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Y/n's POV:

"Ugh.. my head hurts.. what happened..?" I groan as I try to open my eyes. I look around me and see that I'm in.. a car.

"Why is the car so familiar to me..?" As I try to remember why it was so familiar to me I remember there was a car that looked like this in an anime show, Trigun Stampede! Why am I here?! I'm in a dessert too which is shown in most of the episodes. I probably came when Wolfwood appeared, episode 4. I look out the car's window and I was at that scene where they find the dead couple.

"I-is this a dream..?" "Stop fooling with me, wake me me up.." I opened the door car to get out. I walk my way nervously to go to the others.

"Uh.. hello.." I say softly to them as I lean against the door. They all slowly turned their heads to look at me.

"Well hello there!" Vash says looking very happy. "Your awake!"

"Yeah I'm awake.." I look down at my feet shyly

"How are you feeling?" I heard a voice next to Vash, I tilt my head up and see that it was Meryl.

"I'm sorry.. I-im just confused right now.."

"Why are you confused..?" Vash asks as he walks slowly towards me.

"She came from the sky you idiot! We are also confused about that." I recognize that voice, it's Wolfwood's voice.. oh gosh.. I remember that crush I had on him a month ago when I watched the show but I think I still do.

"Well, are you going to answer?" Wolfwood says impatiently. As I opened my mouth to speak we hear a Big bang coming from an locker over there by the wall.

"Zazie.." I mumbled under my breath. I caught Wolfwood's attention when I said that.

"What did you just say?" Wolfwood asked me. I didn't respond. Vash walks closer to the locker to open it. I wanted to say something but I didn't wanna ruin the whole anime because of that, I'll tell them later.

Vash's POV:

I open the locker and found nothing but I looked down to see a kid sitting there at the bottom looking scared. Maybe it could be his parents.. we take the couple outside to bury them in the sand while Roberto pits more gas in the car, good thing we stopped at a gas station. Wolfwood grabs his cross from the car and place in the middle of the dead couple's sand grave. Everyone looks down and listen to Wolfwood.

"Ahh.. Heavenly Father, lord in heaven.." Wolfwood takes a break and drink. "Forgive us our sins, oh lord as we forgive thoes who sin against us . Please welcome their souls in the souls of all the faithful departed in the your... What's it..?" Me and Meryl both gasp at each other realizing he isn't a real priest but the girl that we saw falling from the sky didn't look surprised at all.. I'll ask for her name later. "Welcome into your humble above.. in your pair of gates..? Nah that sounds odd. Deliver onto them.. deliverance? Not quite.. but I'm getting there.." oh ou oh! " Wolfwood grunts as he catches his cross from falling onto the ground and coughs. He continues his sentence squatting; "uh.. make sure there are empty chairs, their kingdom coming. So.." before Wolfwood could finish Meryl steps in.

"That's enough! Your not really a priest are you?! Huh?!" Meryl says furiously.

"No I'm not Im an undertaker. Now scram will ya? Your messing with my mojo."

Meryl looks at the cross. "What's with the cross? Are you looking to crucify someone, its like stupidly big." As Meryl gets closer to touch it Wolfwood prevents Meryl from touching his cross. And brings it towards him.

"Hey no touchy, lil lady." Wolfwood says in a childish way. The girl chuckled a bit.

"I can not ever stop laughing at this scene!" The girl said while laughing until she put her hands to her mouth quickly.

Y/n's POV:

I can feel everyone's eyes on me. Oh no! What have I said!

"What do you mean by 'this scene' huh?" Wolfwood questioned me with a suspicion of me. "What is even your name?" He questioned me again.

"I-it's.. Y/n L/n." I replied saying nothing else, but then I feel regret showering over me. We all look at the kid to see if they were alright except me, but he looks sad. Wolfwood approaches Zazie while putting as he put his cross down. He opens a sucker.. well that's what he would call it from his pocket and puts it in his mouth.

"Hey.. your looking hungry." Wolfwood says as he pulls another lollipop from his pocket. He bends down as the same height as the kid's height. He offers the kid the lollipop

"It's yummy." He says calmly.

"Hey.. just leave the kid be.." Meryl was about to walk up to him but then he continues to speak to the kid. And he knows that he is Zazie The Beast. I am a bit disappointed in him that he would betray them like that.

"I lost my parents too, grew up in an orphanage." Wolfwood says to Zazie. Zazie takes the lollipop from his hand.

"See yummy... no matter how heavy the cross is you carry you deserve food and to laugh." He makes a smile sign. He chuckles and stands back up. When the scene, Wolfwood went to give Vash how much he has to pay for being hired, I took the chance to talk to Zazie. I walk up to Zazie and crouch down to whisper in his ear.

"I know your plan." I say to him with deadly eyes. "But I'm not going to ruin it for you. It will ruin the whole show." I say once more before standing up again. I could hear Vash and Meryl freaking out because how much it costed for him to be hired.

"Are we wrapping this up?" Roberto walks forward to ask Vash and Meryl. Vash shows the check the Roberto. Meryl and Wolfwood argues with each other like little kids! Haha

"What con artist is stupid enough to charge this price. Speaking of conning, shouldn't you be injured or something? You did get hit with a big ass truck after all." Roberto exclaimed.

"Im tough. The man upstairs blessed me in that way." Wolfwood says in a very hot angle. Aaaah! He is so fine! Oh stop it Y/n, stop fan girl ing!.

All of the sudden our ears started ringing and everything started rumbling.

"Here it comes." I said to myself. The ground shakes and shakes even more. The sand gets lift up and the worms mouth appears. Everyone screams as we get pulled in by a worm.

(That's all for this chapter! Today is my birthday party so after it I'll be continue writing the next chapter! Have a lovely day <3)

Word count: 1179 Words

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