Why Did It Teleport Me Here..?

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Meryl's POV:

I tilt my head to see if Vash was sleeping at the back.

"Got the big baby to sleep.." I said with a sigh while Vash snores at the back.
We listen to the radio as it talks about us which catches our attention.

"He said to be travelled with a man and a woman, both of them have been identified as possible accomplishes. The southern cities military police has added their search as persons of interest.

I groan.
"Incredible so now we are wanted too?!"

"If this gets around to head quarters we are sacked." Roberto says calmly but frightened.
I gasp.

A moment of silence fills the car.
"It was his but he hasn't touched it." Roberto says as he hands me Vash's food.

"Huh..? I can't steal his food."

"He hasn't had a bite since this whole mess went down."
I sigh while looking at my mirror above me showing Vash.

"The hell is running into that spiky hair of his.. eh.. I suppose it's between him and god." Roberto says.
I continue driving and notice.. a sand storm..?

"A sand storm?" I ask.

"Close but no cigar, more like a worm storm." Roberto replies "Around these parts, worms are considered important source of protein. If you can stomach their appearance they make pretty decent food."

"Suddenly starvation doesn't seem that bad to me" i sarcastically said.
Roberto Chuckles. Then suddenly Roberto notices a guy with dark hair and a cross on his back walking in front of us. He snatches the wheel from me and tried to turn a different direction to not hit the guy. I yelp as we started coming towards him hitting him by the back of the truck. Vash went flying at the back of the seat from the big hit and landed on his head. We stopped the truck. We all ran out of the car and rushed outside to check if the guy was okay.

"Hey! Are you okay?!" I asked. No response just him grunting in pain.

Y/n's POV:

I was too scared to open my eyes knowing that I was in the portal. I suddenly feel like I'm flying, like the air is taking me away.. I open my eyes to see I am in something like a slide but I wasn't touching the ground of the slide I was levitating.

"This color of this... slide is so beautiful." I said to myself as I watch the rainbow color moving around in the slide which made a lot of soothing music. It's like I'm hearing colors! I look at the front of me seeing this bright light, I go closer and closer to it thinking it was the end of my life. As I fell out of the portal I looked around me and notice I was falling down onto a... dessert!?

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed as loud as I could getting closer and closer to the hit the ground.

Vash's POV:

We all hear screaming coming from the top of us. As we look at the top of us, we see a girl falling down from the sky!

"Meryl! Bring this guy in the car, I'll go try and fetch her!" I said in a hurry.

"On it!" Meryl and Roberto start pulling him into the car. I ran as fast as I could to get to the right spot she is falling from. I catch the girl with my arms before she hit the ground.

"I Got you!"

Y/n's POV:

I stopped screaming when I saw someone dashing towards me to catch me. "I don't think this is going to work!" I told myself but still I groan as I also try to get closer to the blonde haired guy with a red flashy jacket on while closing my eyes. I fall into his arms.

"I got you!" Said the guy that caught me just in time. I opened my eyes.. hey.. this guy looks familiar.. as my vision cleared my eyes widened. I put my hands to my mouth in shock. The guy looks at me with a confused look.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Vash.. The Stampede.." I said softly while lowering my hands from my mouth. Isn't he from the anime.. Trigun that I watched a month ago..? I asked myself in my head.

"H-how can this be..? Why Am I here?! It said I was the chosen one.. but for what..?"

Before Vash could open his mouth I started coughing.. "i-i c-can't b-breathe.." I say struggling to say something. I point to my inhaler that is laying on the ground over there for Vash to get it for me. Vash puts me down gently and instantly went to go get it and bring it back for me as fast as he could. He handed it to me and I started taking puffs from it. But then I feel this other feeling.. my vision becomes blurry, I can't move.. Vash looks like he is saying something to me but I couldn't hear him because all I could hear is ringing in my ears.. I fainted..

(I am on holiday so I might post another chapter in 2 days or 3, so I will definitely continue, cya!)

Word count: 885

Trapped in Trigun Stampede?! (DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon