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Paulie of Dock 1 coughed up a wad of blood and collapsed to the floor. He swore under his breath. Whoever this guy was, he wasn't even serious enough about this fight to aim at his vitals. Despite that fact, Paulie could barely move with the numerous stab wounds to his arms and legs.

It had all happened so fast. Iceburg had retreated back to his office when there was an attack on the building. Windows had shattered, and the entire structure had seemingly been cut in half. The stairway leading to the bottom floor had collapsed, and the rest of the building looked like it was soon to follow. There was no other way in or out, save for his ropes. But for that he'd have to get past the intruders, and the chances of that were looking slimmer by the second.

"Damn it all," Paulie rasped. "Who...the hell are you people!?"

"Paulie, enough!" Iceburg shouted. "Tilestone and Lulu were beaten effortlessly! You can't win!"

"The hell I can't," he replied, struggling to his feet. "Like hell I'm going to let you get killed! If I can hold them until Lucci and Kaku get here, we'll stand a much better chance."

One of their adversaries began chuckling lowly at this. "I wonder if that will work out for you, Paulie," he spoke for the first time. It was a voice he didn't recognize. He brought his hands up to his head and removed the headpiece he was wearing, revealing the ever impassive face of Rob Lucci.

Iceburg and Paulie were numb with shock. "Lucci...?" Iceburg asked in disbelief.

"You bastard," Paulie seethed. "You could speak all along!?"

"As much as I'd like to answer all of your questions, I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment," Lucci said emotionlessly "Kaku, if you would?"

The figure next to him also revealed himself, showing that it was indeed Kaku. A moment later, Kalifa and Blueno also unmasked themselves. Paulie gritted his teeth. "Damn it...why...of all people..." Tears leaked from his eyes. "Why did it have to be you!? Despite everything, I've always thought of you as comrades!"

Although the other three were silent at this, Lucci answered easily. "You were the only one," he said coldly, before disappearing from sight and knocking out Paulie with a simple kick to the head.

Meanwhile, Kaku had grabbed Iceburg by the wrist. The man tried to break his grip, to no avail.

"Relax. I simply want you to confirm a theory of mine," Lucci said with a chilling smile.

Luffy inwardly cursed as he sensed what was happening in the city. There was nothing he could do to help Iceburg now without leaving Robin open to attack at the hands of a Marine Admiral. Even if he tried to take her with him, Aokiji would intercept him.

He knew that Maveric wasn't strong enough to hold off an admiral. Quite frankly, neither was he at the moment. So he stayed put. Luckily, Zoro was almost here. He just had to stall a bit.

"Monkey D. Luffy," Aokiji spoke up. "I'm sure you've already concluded that you can't help Iceburg. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm technically not supposed to meddle in the affairs of the Cipher Pols, but I've made it clear that I'd be...displeased if they did any lasting damage to Iceburg or his workers. Despite the fact that CP9 answers directly the the higher-ups, they know that I could still make their lives very difficult if they didn't comply."

"So, you're saying we should focus on you, then?" Mavric asked with a smirk that belied his apprehension.

"Well, let's hold off on that. You wouldn't stand much of a chance until his First Mate arrives anyway, as I'm sure you both know," Aokiji drawled.

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