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As the Strawhats made their way through the thick undergrowth of Upper Yard, Luffy couldn't help but feel amused. They were in the middle of a philosophical debate, something that didn't happen often. It had started when Chopper asked an innocent question: 'Is this place the real Heaven?' And from there, it had escalated quite satisfactorily.

"Like I said, there's no this place is actually Heaven!" Nami argued. "I could just as easily put a sign up over Cocoyasi Village that says the same thing, but that wouldn't make it true."

"I agree with Nami-san!" Sanji announced with ease of practice.

"To be fair, Navigator-san, your home island isn't floating on clouds 10,000 meters above the sea," Robin said with a smile.

Nami glared at Robin, knowing full well that she didn't think this place was the Heaven either.

"I agree with Robin-chan!" came Sanji's predictable response.

"Hey, you can't agree with both of them!" Usopp sputtered. "Not when they have differing opinions! And really, we shouldn't be talking about this! Enel could rain lightning down on us at any time!"

It was a valid point. The only reason they were willing to have this discussion was that they had Luffy and Zoro on lightning patrol. Once they had been assured that Enel wasn't even bothering at this point, the debate had dragged on for the next 5 minutes, in which Usopp would argue that Skypiea was Heaven, most likely so he could brag about having gone there later, and Nami, ever the voice of reason, would argue the opposite, while Robin would play devil's advocate in order to keep the debate going, most likely because she found it funny, and Sanji would agree with whatever Nami and Robin said.

"Look, all I'm saying is that we already know we're not the first Blue Sea dwellers to visit Skypiea," Usopp stated. "Who's to say that the name 'Heaven' didn't come from here originally? For all we know, this could have been the inspiration for it. That would mean that for all intents and purposes, this place is Heaven."

Chopper listened on curiously. What did I start?

"I guess it's possible," Nami conceded grudgingly. "But it still seems unlikely."

"Luffy, Zoro, what do you guys think?" Usopp asked. The two hadn't said a word yet.

"Don't care," they replied in unison.

"Really?" Usopp asked. "You guys aren't curious at all?"

"I don't believe in God, so I couldn't care less," Zoro stated.

The rumble of thunder overhead either went unnoticed or was ignored.

"What about you, Luffy? You always seemed like the type to believe things for no reason," Nami said with a smirk.

Luffy grinned. "I don't pretend to know either way," he replied. "If he exists, that's fine with me, but if he doesn't, I won't lose sleep over it. I'll just do my own thing like always."

"That's an interesting viewpoint, Captain-san," Robin said. "So you're an Agnostic?"

"A what-now?"

"Are you guys so captivated by your meaningless conversation that you wouldn't notice a giant snake sneaking up on you?" Zoro drawled.

The Strawhats stilled. Luffy's grin only widened as the others looked around cautiously. Sanji reached out with his Observation Haki, and the cigarette fell from his mouth. "Son of a..."

"Oh, dear," Robin commented as one of the oversized vines nearby started slithering. Soon, a colossal python was looming over them, jaw wide open.

"Scatter!" Luffy shouted, before grabbing Nami and leaping out of the way. Usopp was unceremoniously kicked out of the way by Zoro, while Sanji and Robin leapt aside and Chopper scurried away in Walk Point.

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