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Kohza frowned as he looked outside the carriage. They were on their way to Alubarna, but they seemed to be straying off course a little. Was it just his imagination? Deciding to ignore it for now, he pulled his head back inside and faced Kebi.

"You're nervous," his follower commented lightly. Kohza sighed.

"How could I not be? What is he going to think of me? If Vivi is right about his innocence...how can I face him?"

"Whether or not it's difficult, you're the leader of the rebellion," Kebi said sensibly. "It has to be you. It would be an even greater insult if you sent someone in your place."

"Don't you think I know that?" Kohza muttered irritably. Kebi was silent for awhile.

"Something else is bothering you," he said.

Dammit, Kohza thought. That's what happens when you're right hand man is also your childhood friend. Kebi read him way too easily...

"I just have a bad feeling," he admitted. "Like we should have announced the ceasefire to the rest of the army."

"You know what would happen if we did that," Kebi argued. "They would want an explanation, and if we released intel like that, it could reach Crocodile. That man has already manipulated us as if we were puppets tangled in strings. We can't risk it. We have to at least wait until after the negotiations so the leaders of both sides can come to an understanding."

"Yea...you're right," Kohza said reluctantly. Suddenly, the carriage stopped. Kohza and Kebi looked confused for a moment before they both climbed out to meet the steerer, who had also gotten out.

"Hey, what are we doing here?" Kebi asked, looking around. "Why'd you stop in the middle of the desert?"

The soldier kept a blank face. "I was ordered to," he stated. Kebi raised an eyebrow and looked at Kohza, who had his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"I never gave you an order like that."

The soldier smirked, causing both of the men's eyes to widen. "No, you didn't," he said as he raised his rifle.

Kohza reacted immediately, raising his leg and kicking the gun barrel to the side in one swift motion. The unloyal soldier looked surprised as the shot fired off to the side. As he tried to aim the gun back towards them, Kebi rammed into him with his shoulder, knocking him off his feet. He proceeded to kick the gun out of his hands. The solder gritted his teeth and tried to lift himself up, only to be roundhouse kicked across the face by Kohza, who then kicked the gun up into the air and caught it, aiming it directly at his assailant.

"Who are you working for?" he growled. The soldier just smirked again.

"I don't know. But he's far more intimidating than you."

"Don't screw with me!" Kohza shouted. "Who is it? Is it that damn Warlord?"

Surprisingly, this elicited a reaction from the man, whose brows furrowed. "Warlord?" he asked in confusion.

"Don't try to deny it," Kebi said. "We have intel that states he's your leader." The soldier suddenly started sweating heavily, and not from the desert heat, as his expression morphed into one of overt fear. "And judging from the look on your face, I'd say we're right."

"Hey, stop! You don't know what you're talking about!" the man shouted. Kohza wondered why he was just now showing fear when he had been unfazed with a gun pointed at him point blank.

"I think we do," Kebi said, now the one smirking. "The Royal Warlord, Sir Cro-"

"Shut up!" The man suddenly tried to lunge at Kebi. Kohza grimaced, but didn't hesitate as he shot the man directly in the head. He was dead even before he slumped back against the sand.

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