VII: Devotionis

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I awoke to the sound of kettle boiling in the next room, wrapped in numerous blankets to combat my shivering. Slowly I sat up, my body aching. "God..." I groaned to myself. Primo appeared at my door with a mug of tea in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.
"We prefer Satan here"
"Oh no it's alright, you didn't know." He told me as he set down the tea and water on the nightstand. "I wasn't sure which you'd like upon waking up so I brought both."
"Thank you, papa"
"It's no problem, dear. Are you alright?"
"I'm in a lot of pain but yeah"
"Is that bad?"
"No, no, just interesting."
"Interesting?" I laughed slightly
"I've been fascinated with the concept of a prime mover for as long as I can remember."
I smiled and hummed, cracking open the bottle.
"Say, would you mind if I...accompanied you on this?"
"What do you mean?"
"Help you with everything. Care for you"
"That sounds...boyfriend-y" I joked
"Well, if you're looking, I'd be happy to fill that role."
I paused, heavily caught off guard. Does he know what boyfriend means? I know English isn't his native language-
"If you're not looking for romance that's entirely fine, I'm sorry for suggesting. I'm willing to just be an assistant as well, if you'll let me."
My heart fluttered, finding this absolutely adorable. I smiled. "I would love to have you as a boyfriend, papa."
"That is wonderful."
"You're not just doing this because of the whole prime mover thing are you?"
"No, of course not. I would never. I have had deep feelings for you since I first laid eyes on you, although that was only a week ago."
"Ooh I'm special" I said with a sarcasm filled tone
"If anyone has ever led you to believe you're not, I will personally feed them to the ghouls."
The smile fell from my face. "The ghouls eat people?"
"Oh, no, of course not." he placed a hand on my cheek, stroking it lightly "You have nothing to worry about. They are entirely safe."
"How do you know? They're loyal to you, not me."
"I know my ghouls well enough to know they wouldn't hurt a fly." He paused. "Well, they have hunted down flies before, but they would never attack a human."
I looked down, still slightly worried, my tired brain not thinking of Thea.
"I can introduce you to them if you'd like, my dear. They're sweethearts, I promise."
"You're sure?"
"Of course."
"Alright" I sighed. As primo helped me up, a sharp pain ran through my abdomen. I whimpered and tightened my grip on the papa to stay upright.

He pulled me closer, supporting my body weight, and gently sat me back down on the bed. Primo knelt in front of me, positioning himself so that I was looking at him. As I sat, the pain began to pass.

"Are you okay?"
"I think so..."I breathed
"And you're sure?"
I nodded
"Well if you need to be carried, just let me know" he half joked
"You'd be willing to carry me?" I asked, looking at his thin figure
"If I could, I would."
"So you can't pick me up?"
"Probably not. And I don't want to risk dropping you. My brother on the other hand..." he laughed
"Looks like I picked the wrong papa" I joked
"He is no papa. He is not fit to be papa."
"Wrong emeritus then?"
"Fine." He said, kissing my hand. "Are you alright to stand now?"
"Yeah" I said, slowly standing up with him. "I should get ready."
"I'll be right outside, Y/N"
"Thank you"

As he closed the door behind him, I found myself blushing and grinning like an absolute madman.
I clasped my hands over my chest and swayed slightly before taking a breath to center myself. I put on a relatively plain black dress that I've had for years. Originally, I got it as a joke because it reminded me of Wednesday Addams, but it fits in well among the ministry.
I hung my grucifix around my neck once again and stood in front of my mirror.
So many emotions swelled within me. Excitement, joy, fear...this is all going to be so much to handle.

I exhaled in an attempt to steady myself before opening the door.

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