V: Ceremonia

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A week later, the time had come. My bare feet stung with each step on the cold stone, and the delicate robes offered little protection from the chill in the air.

Sister imperator led me into a dark room that somehow managed to be colder than the hallway. I could feel the stone flooring beneath my feet. Anxiety flooded my veins. This was the day. It's time for my job to start. I looked around me at the figures surrounding me. I spotted the Emeritus family across from the door, but everyone else's face was obscured. A large, elevated stone slab sat in the middle of the room beneath a large skylight. As Imperator helped me up, the clouds cleared and moonlight filtered into the room. Four masked ghouls began to strap my limbs down. Papa Nihil approached me once I was secured, and smeared some sort of liquid on my forehead in the shape of a grucifix as he began a chant, which the others continued. I took a deep breath as I accepted my fate.
As the time and chanting went on, I began to feel more and more tired. By the end I felt completely drained of all energy.

"Santanas, sume oblatio." The room called out collectively before Papa Nihil brushed my eyes closed and everyone dropped to their knees, sitting silently. "Satanas, gratias agimus tibi. In hac die exaudi nos et exaudi preces nostras. Nema" I heard Imperators voice whisper beside me as she gently grabbed my hand.

I felt her begin to untie the restraint on my right hand, then shortly, someone else began untying the others. When they were all undone, Sister ran her hand against my cheek and spoke softly. "Open your eyes, my dear."
I complied, to see her towering above me, Terzo behind her, and Secondo on her left. She and Secondo began carefully to help me up. Once I stood, she called out to the rest of the room,
"Behold, the prime mover, Y/N!"
The two continued to hold me up as people left the room. She turned to Terzo when the room was nearly empty.
"Help get Y/N to her room." Then she turned to the eldest emeritus brother "Supervise them, papa."

The two youngest brothers basically carried my near-unconscious body, as primo walked behind them, holding a key. Upon reaching the door to my living quarters, primo stepped in front of us and unlocked the door, swiftly pushing it open. I was set gently on my couch before Terzo leaned down to my eye level to ask "where would you like to sleep tonight?"
I pointed to the spot I was sitting in.
"Would you like to clean up first?"
I shook my head.
"Alright. We'll be going now. Primo is going to stay and take care of you if you're alright with that."
"Ok" I said, already drifting into a daze. The door clicked shut and I shifted my body to spread out across the length of the couch. The eldest emeritus covered me with a blanket as my consciousness faded, then settled on the cozy chair in the corner of my room with a book.

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