chapter 7- torture

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"Let's go for a walk, Spencer" Said Jason as he removed Reid's bounds and replaced them with handcuffs.

Reid was once again pistol whipped in the back of the head, increasing his already uncomfortable headache.

When Reid woke up he was in the same position as before, only a different location. Hands still tied above his head to the ceiling.

"Dr. Reid," Jason started as Reid regained some consciousness, "I have to say i'm a huge fan of your work. Your eidetic memory is fascinating to me."

"How do you know that I have an eidetic memory?" Reid said, his words slightly slurred.

"Oh I know a lot of things about you. Like your mothers schizophrenia, that your dad left when you were 10, your dilaudid issue.."

"That's all in the past."

"Your mothers schizophrenia isn't though. What sanitarium does she attend? Bennington was it? Am I correct?"

"Don't, please don't hurt her."

"Oh Dr. Reid i'm not going to hurt her. I'm going to hurt you."

Reid's eyes awakened some, his brows furrowed.

Jason pulled a knife from the table in the corner of the room, and thrusted it into Reid's lower left abdomen.

The young agent let out a large groan of pain. "Why, why are you doing this to me?"

"Why, you ask?? Because you took everything from me! You and your team killed my son, and now you're going to pay for it."

"What are you talking about?"

"His name was Micheal. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but all I know is you shot him and he died on the way to the hospital."

"Micheal Gacy. That makes you Jason Gacy," Reid started. "You wanna know the full story?" I can tell you everything that happened down to the second."

"Tell me. Tell me now!"

"Let me go. Promise you'll let me go and trust me Jason, I will tell you everything that happened that day."

"Listen, kid, you're not in the position to be negotiating right now." Jason swung a right hook, hitting Reid dead in the face. Then, removed the knife that was still lodged in his abdomen.

"Spencer you are going to tell me what happened this instant!" Jason's voice rising with anger.

"Okay, okay.." Reid spat. "Please, tell my team i'm okay."

"Now that. That, is a deal I can make. You tell me exactly how my son died and I will call your team and tell them you're okay. Though you won't be for very long."

Reid sighed with relief. He didn't want his friends worrying for him.

"This is how it started. Your son, Micheal, strangled 4 women. He would strangle them and resuscitate them and do it all over again until they were dead for good. My team put out an APB on him and we got a hit. He was in this hotel, The Grand Hotel, to be exact. We caught him red handed strangling a girl. Her name was Lucy Simmons. We tried to reason with him, but he grabbed a gun from his waistband and shot. We shot at the same time, only I was wearing my bullet proof vest. He died in the ambulance because the bullet was lodged in his neck, there was too much blood. It hit a major artery. I was left with a bruise."

"Well Dr. Reid, great story. You won't have just a bruise when i'm done with you. I am going to extract revenge from you. But i'll keep my word, I'll call your team and tell them you're okay."

Jason pulled out Reid's phone and clicked on the first contact- Aaron Hotchner. It rang once before Hotch immediately answered the phone.

"Reid! Are you alright?" Hotch asked, he was relieved to finally hear Reid's voice.

"Dr. Reid is just fine Aaron." Jason responded.

The relief in Hotch's voice disappeared. "Who is this?" He asked sternly.

"You can call me Jason."

"Jason, let me speak to Reid. Please." Hotch was almost begging, though his face didn't show it.

"Dr. Reid, a special someone wants to speak with you."

"Hotch? Is that you?" Reid was whispering, though he didn't know it.

"Yeah, it's me Reid. It's me."

"Well, that's enough playtime for today." Jason said before hanging up the phone.

Reid let his head fall forward. He was doomed. There's no way his team would be able to find him. They had nothing on him before, and they have nothing on him now.

"I am a man of my word Spencer." Jason used the blood covered blade and lifted up Reid's head with it. It made a small slit in his throat.

"Just kill me already," Reid uttered. "It's better than being here with you."

"I'm sorry what was that?" Jason asked.

"Just kill me!" Reid was getting sick and tired of his antics. "If you're not going to kill me then use me for whatever you had planned and let me go. I told you the story of what happened to your son. What more do you want?"

"I want you to suffer for it! My son is dead, he's never coming back."

"Your son was a serial killer. He was a psycho just like you."

"Like father like son, I suppose." Jason punched Reid in the face twice more, knocking him out cold."

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