chapter 6- realization

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"That's great Reid. Get back to the station, fast. Everyone else is waiting here." Hotch finished, he had just gotten off the phone with Reid who had a lead on the case.

"What did pretty boy say?" Morgan asked.

"Dean Winsbarrow, our latest victim, turns out he used to hit on Asia Lorde at this bar before Dean got a girlfriend." Hotch replied.

"Did you find out what bar?" Questioned Rossi.

"No, we'll figure that much out when Reid gets here. He's not that far it's about a twenty minute drive. Anyway, did any of you get a lead?"

The entire group of agents shook their heads no. Not only did almost none of the victims know eachother, but they were all opposites in almost every way.

"Did you find any connections with victimology? Or atleast a circle the unsub is taking his victims from?" JJ beckoned.

"Fortunately. All the victims were taken within a, roughly, 10 mile radius of eachother. It seems to be more on the edge of St. Paul leaning over on the city of Blaine."

"It's not much but it's something. Maybe the victims are in an abounded building in or near that area." Prentiss suggested.

The entire BAU team practically racked their brains. They looked over the case file for about 45 minutes before JJ pointed out that Reid still hasn't come back.

"Guys, Spence still hasn't come back from the latest victims' house." JJ said, worry rising in her tone.

"Yeah, where is pretty boy?" Morgan questioned.

Before anyone could come up with an answer, Sheriff Fletcher rushed into the room.

"Agents! You have to take a look at this! All of the victims have been released totally unharmed!!"

"What?" The entire team of agents said in unison, before rushing to the front of the police station.

Jessica, Asia, Kira, Michelle, and Dean were standing before them. Not even a scratch on any of their bodies.

"Where's the BAU team?" Dean asked. "I need to speak with them right now."

"That's us, my names Aaron Hotchner. We've been looking for you guys. Can you tell us what happened?"

"The man that took us.. His name is Jason. He has your agent. His name was Spencer, I believe. He says that you have 3 days to leave Minnesota, or else your agent dies."

Shock was plastered on every agents face, including the officers.

Morgan immediately pulled out his phone and let Garcia know Reid was taken. She cried, a lot, but he assured her that he would be found in one piece.

"JJ call the families of the victims and make sure they get here. Rossi I want you to stay with JJ and help make sure this doesn't reach media presence. Morgan and Prentiss you guys are coming with me. So is the police force. Dean, can you tell me where Dr. Reid is?" Hotch ordered.

"Jason, he was holding us all hostage in this abandoned storage unit just outside of town. It's about 40 miles west. It's on the outskirts."

Hotch, Morgan, Prentiss, and half of the police force rushed to the outskirts of town to find their missing agent. Unfortunately, when they reached the storage unit it was empty. Deep down, they all knew they wouldn't find Reid here, but they had hope.

All Hotch felt was worry for his youngest agent. Reid was struggling with nightmares again, and now he's been taken by an unsub no one knows anything about besides that his name is Jason. The victims can probably give a description so a single individual could be narrowed down, but that still leaves Reid's location a mystery. Hotch secretly blamed himself for sending Reid alone even knowing he was struggling with nightmares, and he would never forgive himself if something happened to him.

Morgan felt enraged. Reid is like a younger brother to Derek, and the fact that he couldn't help him added to his emotion of anger. Morgan had no idea where Reid was, and no idea the condition he was in.

Prentiss tried to hide her emotions and compartmentalize, but you could tell by the look in her eyes how she was truly feeling- sadness. Reid had already been taken once, and didn't want him to go through that again. Prentiss thought of Reid as a younger brother, and the fact that she didn't know where he was worried her. His ability to spit useless facts would forever annoy her, but that's one of the things she loved about him.

JJ was speaking to the families of the 5 that had been taken and explaining the situation.

"I'm here to inform you all that everyone that has been taken was returned today with no noticeable injuries. An ambulance is on the way for a usual checkup of the condition they are in. If you have any questions you can ask me." JJ explained.

The crowd of families talked at once.

"How did you find who did this?"

"Why was everyone randomly returned?"

"Is the man that committed these acts still on the loose?"

"No we did not, we're still working on that, and yes. We currently have no leads but we can assure you that you and your families will be safe." JJ assured the crowd of different families at once.

JJ was freaking out. She showed a calm facade for the families to try not and cause panic, but she was so worried about Spence. How would she explain to Henry that Spence would not be coming back if something happened to him. Worry ran through her mind and she could not think straight.

Rossi spoke to the police about the media.

"You will not refer to this man as the 'St. Paul Kidnapper', and don't give him too much attention. When the media shows up and asks questions, keep the answers to a minimum and try to reveal as little information as possible. I know you are all confused on why all the victims were returned and why one of our agents were taken instead; We are confused too."

Although Rossi sounded like he was fine, he was quite the opposite. Rossi admitted he had found Reid a bit annoying on the beginning. But within two years the kid has proven himself as a son to Rossi.

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