A Catching Up Dinner

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Stacey arrived at the BBQ Mountain restaurant at half past six. She was wearing a dark blue sleeveless dress and dark blue shoes to match it and she was carrying her light brown handbag. She was looking forward to it because when she booked a table at the grill restaurant she saw how beautiful and rural the inside was and the menu offered promising food, but most of all, she was looking forward to catch up with Max.

Stacey went inside to wait in the waiting area and there standing there was Max Goof himself wearing his smart suit. He was wearing a white shirt with a yellow tie, a black tuxedo jacket, black pants and black shoes.

"Hi, Stacey," Max greeted.

"Hi, Max," Stacey greeted. "You look very smart."

"Thanks. And you look very beautiful."

"Thank you."

Then the waiter arrived and called for Stacey, who booked a table at the restaurant after her snorkelling adventure in the lake. Then she and Max followed the waiter to a wooden table for two. Then he gave them each a menu before he left.

"What are you having, Max?" Stacey asked.

"I think I'll have the garlic bread for my starters, then I'll have four cheese pizza and some ice cream for later. What about you, Stacey?"

"I think I'll have the Greek salad to start with and then I'll have the mushroom burger with fries and some red velvet cake later."

When the waiter arrived back, they told him their orders and Stacey ordered a cup of green tea and Max ordered a cup of coffee. Then the waiter left.

"I'm sorry, Max," Stacey said, "but I just can't drink alcohol. I've tried them all, but I just don't like the taste of any alcohol at all."

"That's fine, Stacey," Max said. "I'm a teetotaller myself. I've tried a few alcohol drinks, but I get very ill every time I've tried. So, you're not alone."

"So, tell me everything that's happened to you since I left for North Dakota, Max," Stacey said. "Starting with college."

Max said that college was great and so far he was still the one who held the most records for the college's X-Games championships, winning four of seven challenges. The first five wins from his main rivals, the Gammas, no longer counted ever since everyone learned that they had been winning by cheating from the very beginning. And all the times he did lose, the other team won them fair and square, unlike the cheating Gammas.

Then after he graduated college, he managed to get a job as a personal trainer at a gym in Watertown, South Dakota where he also lived in a very small apartment there.

"Wow, cool," Stacey said. Then after the waiter arrived with the drinks, she asked Max if he had any relationships since Lisa back in high school. He told had a lot of girlfriends including a fun African American lady called Lola, a friendly blonde lady called Sasha, a charming red-hair lady called Charlotte and a brunette called Mona. He told her that even though they were no longer in a relationship, he remained friends and kept in contact with every one of them including Lisa. The only two exceptions that he didn't keep in contact with were Mona or Roxanne. He could forgive Roxanne because she had to move with her dad to Gold Coast, Australia. She did send Max one letter to let him know that she landed there safe and sound and she was just settling and how much she missed him and how great of a boyfriend he was. She didn't give him any details about where she lived or what her telephone number was and neither of them had their own personal email address in those days. She didn't write another letter since then and Max still hadn't found her personal email address, if she ever had one.

Stacey felt the same. She still missed Roxanne as much as Max did.

"Has Roxanne ever written you another letter or a postcard since she moved to Australia, Stacey?" Max asked. "Because she hasn't to me."

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