Remembering A Crush

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For reasons she just couldn't explain, Stacey seemed to feel better for seeing Max. Whether it was because it was nice to see a familiar face or because the deepest secret feelings she had for him when they were both in Spoonerville High School were coming back to her, she just couldn't put her finger on it. But she didn't care. It was nice to see one of her friends since she graduated high school in 1998.

As she was having a free massage at the resort's big nature-themed spa that afternoon, Stacey remembered the crush she used to have Max. She was amazed by many things he did, including his Powerline dance at the end of the ninth grade and then dancing with the real Powerline later when she saw him on TV at the party that she hosted at her house in Summer 1995. After that, he kept impressing her with all the amazing achievements he did at school, whether they be sports, talents and acting. She attended every one of them. She kept saying that she it was part of her student body president duties, but really she used it as an excuse to go and see him. And she was also impressed with many activities he did outside of school, like when she, along with her boyfriend Bobby and her other friend PJ, watched him and his then girlfriend Lisa did the Spoonerville Triathlon in Spring 1998 as junior triathletes among them.

Though Stacey liked her former boyfriend Bobby, who was also one of Max's best friends, she felt like she should have tried to date Max. The only reason she didn't go after him was because he caught the attention of Roxanne, her former best friend and who was also the closest thing she ever had to a sister before she and her dad Marcus had to move to Australia. And because she loved Roxanne like a sister, Stacey decided to let her be Max's girlfriend and it did make her happy that Roxanne was happy with him until the day she had to leave Spoonerville. When she wasn't with Max, Roxanne would always tell Stacey how wonderful he was and how happy she was with him and how she was glad that she was with him instead of that muscular idiot Chad. Hearing Roxanne praise Max all the time only made Stacey wish she gave Max as a boyfriend a chance. Because she was still in a relationship with Bobby, that was why Stacey couldn't start one with Max after Roxanne moved because another student Lisa quickly caught him after she learned that Chad had been cheating on her.

But despite that, Max and Stacey were very good friends with each other and they did have some good times together. She remembered the last time she saw him was when she hosted a party at her house like she did every year whenever she and her friends finished a grade. It was in Summer 1998 and they had just graduated high school. She remembered being sad that day because she was saying goodbye to her friends, including her boyfriend Bobby and their other best friends Max, PJ and because they were no longer in high school and they were all going to different colleges or universities. She was going to the University of North Dakota and none of her friends were going to join her. She was also sad that Roxanne couldn't be here, even though she knew it wasn't her fault that she had to move because her dad could only get a job there.

After checking that her guests were okay, Stacey noticed Max swimming in her big pool. "How do you like the pool, Max?" she asked.

"It's cool and awesome, Stacey," Max said. "It's like I'm swimming in a giant lake."

Because it was a very hot night, Stacey was wearing a strapless white bikini top, a white sarong and pink flip-flops. She took her sarong off revealing pink swim briefs and her flip-slops and then she joined Max in the pool. She remembered Max trying to hide the boner in his dark green swim shorts. "I'm glad you like it. Anyway, congratulations, Max, for graduating high school."

"Thanks, Stacey. And congratulations for graduating yourself. And congratulations for being the school's longest serving student body president in its history. That was such an incredible achievement. And I loved your speech at the ceremony. It was totally awesome."

As Stacey had been the school's student body president ever since the Ninth Grade and held it since the last day of the Twelve Grade, it was Stacey's last duty to give out a speech about how much she and the rest of the students learned during their years there and how hard they've worked to make it the best school it could be and what they achieved and got out of their four years of school and how she wished everyone well in the future. "Thanks, Max."

"So are you looking forward to the University of North Dakota?" Max asked.

"Well, on the one hand, I know it's a good university and it's an honour to be accepted into it," Stacey said, "but, on the other hand, it's very scary going to a new place I've never been to before in my life and no one from school is going to join me there."

"Well, I know how you feel," Max said. Then he told Stacey about how nervous he was to move to Spoonerville when he did with his dad, but he was glad he did and his life changed for the better, including being friends with a wonderful lady like Stacey. "My point is, Stacey, that when you get there, I'm sure you'll settle there and feel better, just like I did when I moved here."

"Thanks for the advice, Max."

"I wish I could come to the University of North Dakota with you, but I don't have the grades or the money for it. But anyway I'm sure you'll do very well there."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure you'll do very well in whatever you do. After all, you've done very great in high school with your shows, your sport challenges, your talent shows and that Powerline dance you did. I have faith in you."

"Thanks, Stacey."

"I'm really going to miss you," Stacey said, as she hugged him.

"I'm going to miss you, too," Max said, as he returned the hug.

Back in 2003, after her lovely massage was over, Stacey headed back to the log cabin she was staying at for the week. She noticed that Max was entering the log cabin next to her. When she went into hers, she couldn't help looking through the window and see Max talking off his wet clothes from the window of his. As she continued to watch him, she couldn't see anyone with him. He seemed to be all alone and fed up about something. Probably just about that naughty horse that threw him in the lake earlier this morning.

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