A New begining

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Word count - 1567
"Please come with me, Enid. I want to show you something special to me on a mountain," I said.

Enid hesitated, glancing at the time. "But it's getting late. Are you sure?"

I nodded with confidence. "I'm positive."

A smile crossed Enid's face. "Then let's do it."

We both got into the truck, and as we drove, my mind raced with a million thoughts on how to explain my earlier outburst to Enid. I didn't want her to think poorly of me. Interrupting my thoughts, Enid spoke up.

"What happened earlier wasn't your fault," Enid said. "You just... well, 'wolfed out,' I guess."

I was puzzled. "I 'wolfed out'? You mean like a werewolf?"

Enid nodded. "Yeah, I know it sounds strange, but it felt like you transformed into something else. But don't worry, I understand. Everyone has moments of anger. You've been bottling up your emotions for too long, and it just got to you. Just know that I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Enid," I said appreciatively. "We're almost there."

We arrived about a mile from the spot and began walking along the trail with a flashlight. I was quiet, trying to figure out how to make things right with Enid. Maybe bringing her here was a mistake. But it was too late now. Before I could dwell on it further, Enid spoke again.

"Ernst, what I saw earlier wasn't the real you," Enid assured me. "I know you're a good person. We all have our moments of weakness. You just need to let your emotions out more often. And please know that I'm here to support you."

I smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Enid. Right down there is the spot. Thank you for coming with me. I appreciate it."

We arrived at a small rock opening at the top of the mountain, next to the edge of a cliff. The view was breathtaking, with the entire town of Jericho sitting peacefully in the valley below. The stars and the moon added to the magical atmosphere. I had made some renovations to the spot, including string lights overhead, wooden rocking chairs, a blanket on the ground, and a cooler with drinks. It was my special place to think and escape.

Enid exclaimed, "Oh my God! This spot is incredible! Did you make this for me? It's perfect! Why didn't you show me this earlier? I want the whole tour of this magnificent place."

I chuckled. "Yes, I made this place for myself, but I realized it could be special to you too. Sit down; I need to get something."

Enid happily sat down, taking in the view, while I went to a hollow tree and retrieved something. I held it behind my back, looking at Enid with joy and anticipation. Quietly, I approached her and revealed a cold metal object—a necklace. I gently placed my mother's old diamond necklace around Enid's neck.

Enid was taken aback. "What is this? Oh my God, it's a diamond necklace! This must be worth so much. I can't possibly accept this gift."

"Please accept it," I urged. "It was my mom's necklace before she passed away, and I've been saving it for a special occasion or someone. And it's you, Enid."

Enid's eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you so much, Ernst. I don't know what to say. Come here."

Enid pulled me toward the center of the open space.

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