𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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     AFTER THE MALL FIRE, AS EVERYONE'S BEEN CALLING IT ON THE NEWS, THINGS WENT BACK TO NORMAL, AT LEAST AS NORMAL AS THEY COULD BE. Everyone seemed to be struggling in their own ways though Miles did his best to stay positive, even when it wasn't easy. The party had been spending much more time together, though Max seemed to be growing increasingly distant.

Things between Miles and Will were good, even if he didn't get that kiss he was promised just yet. They were nearly inseparable all summer, it just seemed that the timing was never quite right to finish what they started, Miles had been waiting for Will to say something and it wasn't until August that Miles finally found out why he hadn't.

It was hard for the Murphy boy to help the Byers pack their home into boxes and load it in a moving truck. Not only had Will been his best friend for ages, but the Byers were also his family and it felt like he was being left behind. Hopper hadn't made it out of the mall that night, leaving El in the custody of the family, meaning she would also be leaving with them.

Miles had cried basically the whole night before in hopes that if he got it all out he wouldn't cry before they left, but it didn't seem to be working.

"Calm down, buddy." Jonathan rubbed circles on the boy's back as he cried. "We're still here for another hour." He tried to reassure.

"Only an hour?!" He exclaimed before continuing to cry.


"No!" Miles immediately stopped crying and tried to wipe away his tears, but he could already hear the other boy's approaching footsteps.

"What's wrong?" He questioned as he caught sight of the boy, Jonathan took the opportunity to make his escape, leaving the boys alone on the couch, which was the last piece of furniture in the room.

"Nothing, I'm being a baby." Miles stood up, "Is your stuff finished being packed?"

"No, wanna come help?" He said as he stood up as well.

Miles nodded and they made their way into the boy's room.

They stepped inside and Will spoke again, "For the record, if you're a baby, I am too, I've been crying on and off all day."

They both laughed and Will grabbed a box, a stack of newspaper, and a bunch of his more fragile knickknacks and sat them and himself down in the middle of the floor seeing as his matress and bed frame were already packed in the truck. Miles followed him on sitting on the floor, grabbing a figurine and wrapping it in newspaper.

"I mean... but I cried all last night too, so I'm definitely the bigger baby." Miles smiled slightly.

Will shook his head with a quiet laugh, "I did too." They looked up at each other and immediately broke out in a fit of laughter.

Miles caught his breath, "I guess we can be equally as big babies." He laughed.

Will laughed too, nodding his head.

They fell into a comfortable silence but there was something Will had been itching to mention. "That's why I didn't do it, you know?"

Miles gave him a look of confusion, "Do what?"

"Kiss you." The boy spoke quietly.

Miles mouth fell slightly agape, "Oh." He looked down at his hands for a moment before his look of confusion returned and he looked back up at the other rboy, "I still don't think I understand exactly."

Will sighed, "I just- I thought it would hurt more when I left if I did it, maybe this would've been easier..." He looked up at Miles with tears in his eyes, "It's not." A tear fell down his cheek and Miles quickly sat down the figurine he'd been holding and scooted closer to the boy, he placed a hand on his shoulder and Will began to cry harder.

BEST OF YOU, stranger things | will byersWhere stories live. Discover now