𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖

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     MILES DID NOT SEE DUSTIN TOMORROW. In fact, the party has wasted their whole day away at the mall looking for a gift for El because at some point Hopper threatened Mike which led to him standing the girl up, lying to her; telling her that his nana was sick. 

      All things considered, Mike is an asshole, but everything he does is done with good intentions, even if he is a total idiot.

     Honestly, chasing Mike around the mall wasn't even the reason for Miles' growing frustration, it was the effect it was having on Will. The boy has been trying relentlessly all day to get Mike and Lucas to play D&D, but they've ignored him every time. Miles has sat and helped him set up but if Will wasn't getting through to them, there was no way Miles would be any help considering he is the least confrontational person ever.

     Miles' thoughts came to an abrupt stop as he and the boys nearly walked straight into a lingerie store. Each boy looked from item to item with their mouths slightly agape. No words were exchanged, only incoherent noises as they ran away.

     They went to a perfume counter next, each of them picking up the different fragrances and smelling them. "Ooh, Will, smell this." Miles smiled as he found one he liked especially, handing it to the boy on his left.

     Will smelled it, "Ooh, that is a good one." He turned to Mike, "Maybe you can get her this?"

     Mike took the bottle, smelling it, "...Maybe." He said, putting on the top of the shelf to save for later.

     Miles picked up another, spraying it but just as the fragrance left the bottle, Miles hiccuped. The boy broke out into a fit of coughs as the pungent perfume invaded his airways and coated the back of his throat. Will rubbed his back as he struggled to get his breathing back to normal.

     "Hey, Mike." Lucas tapped the boy on the shoulder, giving no warning before spraying the perfume directly into the boy's eyes.

     "Uh!" Mike grimaced in pain, wiping at his eyes. "Ahh!" He yelled.

     Will spoke up, "Mike, you can't even afford this."

     Mike huffed, finally getting himself under control. The boy only nodded, walking out of the store, the rest of the boys following close behind.

     Mike and Lucas talked and mostly whined about how expensive everything was as they pulled their bikes from the bike rack outside the mall. Miles hasn't stopped hiccuping since the left the perfume counter and while the other boys hardly even noticed, it really started to bug Miles because not only did it hurt, but it also reminded him a lot of his dad.

     "Isn't this a nice surprise?" The voice of Max Mayfield drew the boys' attention, they all looked at her and El with wide eyes.

     Mike dropped his bike, pointing at El, "What are you doing here?"

     "Shopping." She answered pointedly, ice cream cone held firmly in her hand.

     Max gestured to the colorful jumper El was wearing, "This is her new style. What do you think?"

     Mike looked at Max with an accusatory expression, "What is wrong with you? You know she's not allowed to be here."

     "What is she, your little pet?"

     "Yeah." El looked from Max to Mike, "Am I your pet?" Miles had to hold back a giggle, he and Will glancing at each other in amusement.

     "What?" Mike exclaimed, "No!"

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