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Flashback: Storybrooke - 1983

Inside the Mayor's house, Regina was sat at the dining table, having dinner with Kurt and Olivia, "This is, uh, really delicious lasagna, isn't it, Livie?" Kurt said.

"Not really," Olivia said.

"Olivia," Kurt said.

"It's okay. I know I'm not the greatest cook, unless it involves apples," she chuckled, "Speaking of which," she looked at Olivia, "How would you like to help me make turnovers for dessert? There's a bunch of apples sitting in the sink. Why don't you go pick out some red ones?" Regina suggested and Olivia nodded, before getting up and walking to the kitchen.

Kurt chuckled and Regina looked at him, "Olivia's a bit of a free spirit. She gets it from her mom," He said.

"Is she, uh, back in New Jersey? With the boss?" Regina asked.

He chuckled slightly, "With the boss," he sighed, "She, uh...she passed away six months ago," Kurt said.

"I'm sorry," Regina said.

"That's why I brought her here, actually. I thought that camping, new surroundings, that might help her take her mind off of things, but..." Kurt said and shrugged slightly.

"I came here looking to start over, too. It hasn't turned out quite the way I'd hoped," Regina said.

"Why not?" Kurt asked.

"What good's a new life, if you don't have anyone to share it with?" Regina questioned.

"Hey! I thought we were making dessert?!" Olivia called out from the kitchen.


Regina had helped Olivia make the apple turnovers, and Regina finally placed them in the oven, "Voila," She said.

Olivia looked at her, "So, how come your not a mom?" She asked.

"It just didn't work out that way, I guess," Regina said.

"It's too bad. You'd be really good at it," Olivia said.

Regina smiled softly, "Thank you, Olivia," She said.

"You can call me Liv, or Livie...whichever one," Olivia said.

"Okay...Livie," Regina said with a small smile.

" much longer?" Olivia asked.

Regina chuckled, "Patience, they're almost done," she leaned on the counter, looking at the young girl, "How are you liking Storybrooke so far?" Regina asked.

"It's way better than New Jersey," Olivia said.

"You don't miss your home? Your friends?" Regina asked.

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