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New York City...

A woman in business attire walked through the bustling streets of New York City. She traveled by foot, then by subway, until she arrived at her apartment. She walked inside and shut the door, then turned around seeing that she had left her window up, while it began to rain.

 She walked inside and shut the door, then turned around seeing that she had left her window up, while it began to rain

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As the woman attempted to close the window, she dropped her cellphone down the fire escape. Frustrated, with the window still open, she leaned her head against the window sill. Suddenly, a pigeon landed on the sill then quickly flew away.

When she looked up, she noticed it left a postcard on the sill from Storybrooke. On the back of it read 'Broken', and she turned it back over to see a picture of the Storybrooke clock tower with the phrase, 'Greetings from Storybrooke'.

Enchanted Forest...

Two riders approached a castle, where they dismounted their horses and ran into the castle, towards the bier which was surrounded by thorns. One of the riders, Prince Phillip, used his sword and cut through the thorns.

Once he was able to pass through, Prince Phillip approached the bier where Aurora was slumbered. Prince Phillip walked towards her and leaned down to kiss her, but hesitated.

Prince Phillip looked back at his traveling companion, "If this works, we don't tell her everything. Not right away," Prince Phillip said and his companion nodded. He then turned back to Aurora and kissed her, and a bright light came from the kiss, waking Aurora up.

"Phillip?" Aurora said as she looked at him.

"Yes, Aurora," Prince Phillip said.

"I told you not to come after me," They kissed again as Prince Phillip's companion walked away, and Aurora sat up, looking around, "How long have I been asleep? What happened?" Aurora asked.

"It doesn't matter, the worst of it is over. Now that we're together, we'll restore this castle. And our kingdom. As we dreamt, be here always," Prince Phillip said.

"Where is everyone? Why does it need to be rebuilt?" Aurora asked.

"It's a long story. And you, my love, need rest," Prince Phillip said.

"I've had my fill of rest," Aurora said.

"Then come with me," He lifted Aurora down from the bier, "Our people have gathered in a new safe haven. We must join them," Prince Phillip said.

"A safe haven? From Maleficent?" Aurora asked.

"No. Worry not, she can no longer harm us," Prince Phillip said.

"First she goes after my mother. Then me. Forgive me if I'm still a bit wary," Aurora said.

"Don't be. There are new dangers now. But nothing we can't handle," Prince Phillip said and they kissed.

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