A Harley on Her Knees🎶

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I crawl behind Camry as she traverses the hallway, tugging me along impatiently. Everytime I get busted staring at her ass she promises me more whips from the belt.

I believe her.

It shocks me when she goes back to Director Blowhard's office, and neither of ours. I crawl obediently wherever she goes, as she unloads our things. Then she moves back into the same position she was in when this evening started - sitting on the edge of his desk. But now she's looking down at me, her loyal hound just waiting at her feet.

I shuffle slightly, then sit up on my haunches, knees burning from the trek across the faux marble flooring.

"Hands behind your back."

I roll my shoulders back and do as she asks, locking my hands together.

She twirls my leash, and I can see her wheels turning as she stares through me.

"What do you think I should do with you, Harley?" She asks quietly, without focusing in on my eyes.

I hesitate and she tugs the leash, nearly causing me to fall on my face because I won't move my hands from behind my back. Im able to move my knee forward and catch myself, only barely. She laughs softly, a genuine smile attempting to melt the cold indifference. The tips of my ears burn with embarrassment.

"It depends, my queen." I say quickly to distract her focus. "It depends on what you most want from me. Do you want to feel powerful, or better than me? Do you want me embarrassed or hurting? What do you want more than anything?"

I talk too much, and I decide right then to get a handle on that ASAP. Why the hell did I just give her those ideas? God only knows what the hell I just set myself up for. I grumble inwardly.

"I want the same things I always want when I'm around you. I want to shame you. I want to hurt you. I want to control you. I want..."

She trails off, and I wet my bottom lip, watching as she flushes pink and looks out the massive floor to ceiling windows.

I inch forward. She doesn't even notice until I'm leaned over and planting kisses on the bare skin of her feet, between the straps holding them in place.

I hear her gasp. Nothing dramatic. Small, but definitely genuine.

My hands are still held tightly behind my back, and I work my core muscles in a balancing act to place my lips everywhere her skin is uncovered- ankles, shins, calves.

Until I've worked my way up to her knee. That's when I lift my eyes back to hers, and see the fascination and lust swimming in her natural pools.

"What else, Camry? What do you really want when you see me?"

"I..." Her throat seems dry. She swallows, sucks in her bottom lip, and finally says, "I want you to fuck me until we both forget. I want your mouth on me. I want you to lick and suck every part of me until I'm cleansed from the betrayal you've tainted me with. I want you buried so deep inside of me, that I can actually feel your remorse. I want you to make me cum so hard that I'm the one apologizing to you, when it's all said and done."

Her voice is a tad shaky, but she looks fierce. An avenging angel of desire.

"And why would you need to apologize to me?" I ask, voice barely above a whisper as I look up into her eyes.

She stares me down, jaw clenching and face pained. It seems the words she's about to let out are about as painful as chewing glass.

"For making a mess out of you."

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