the ghost of Christmas yet to cum

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Scrooge soon fell into a deep slumber, only to be woken by an eerie chill. As if some dark entity had entered his bed chamber. Scrooge sat for a minute, recalling the events which had occured before he fell asleep. He soon realised that there was one spirit whom he had yet to be visited by.

"Are you the ghost of Christmas yet to come?" Scrooge called from his bed. He was still affected by his previous experience so he could barely walk. He looked up to see a tall, dark figure stood at the foot of his bed. This figure did not speak a word to Scrooge, it just lowered it's head as if to nod. The figure had no distinguishing features, it was so dark it almost blended into the night. The only features Scrooge could be certain of were the phantoms outstretched hand, and it's huge cock.

Scrooge felt threatened by this ghost, the aura that filled the room was unlike any other. Although he could not see the spirits facial expressions, or it's head at all for that matter, he couldn't help but feel the spirit was filled with rage and, an almost primal, need for sex. Scrooge had not been prepared for this spirits unwelcoming nature. He was afraid.

He got up out of his bed in order to confront the spirit face to face, however once in front of it, he found himself falling to his knees. "Please, show me why you are here spirit," said Scrooge. His voice revealed the fear he felt at that moment. The ghost spoke not a word, instead it pointed down at it's phallus. Scrooge immediately understood what it had ordered him to do. He hesitated, pondering how he could fit the member in his mouth.

After a few seconds of thinking, Scrooge began licking the member slowly, as if he were teasing the ghost. He licked from the tip, down to the shaft and up again. After reaching the tip again, he took it in his mouth. Scrooge slowly sucked, taking more and more of the spirits shaft into his mouth as he continued. The spirit showed no emotion, the only indication of pleasure was it's firm grip on it's cloak. After a few minutes the ghost released it's thick white fluid all over Scrooge.

It pointed it's hand downward. Scrooge was confused at first, but then thought that the spirit might want him to get on his hands and knees. The spirit got low enough that it's cock lined up with Scrooge's hole. Scrooge braced himself but was surprised when the ghost slowly slid his member in, careful not to hurt him. "Spirit i-i dont know if I can take all of it!" Scrooge moaned. The spirit began thrusting causing Scrooge to moan loudly and cum nearly instantly. It kept pumping untill it came for a second time. Scrooge collapsed to the floor. The once dominant, cold man lay there a submissive, moaning mess full to the brim with warm liquid.

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