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The toiling bell instilled a deep sense of dread in scrooge as he thought about what horrors may lay past this hour. The ghosts who had visited him previously had given him something to remember as it was, he couldn't even begin to imagine what else could lay in store for him; and yet this night was far from over, as he'd soon discover.

A faint sensual glow poured out from under his door, sparking a curiosity he hadn't felt in a long while, let alone a night which was supposed to be his demise. He followed it precariously, discovering the source coming from the room next to his. Submissively, he walked into the doorway, and nothing could have prepared him for what he saw next. A giant, muscular man sat waiting for Scrooge with something that looked like it could damage his organs till the precipice of death, but it wasn't a weapon in the sense you would think. An assortment of food, belts and leafy rope were scattered across the room.

Scrooge cowered before the man who held his fate in the palm of his humongous hand.
"Welcome to the room in which I've claimed," he spoke "as a room of pain and pleasures that are both otherworldly and unforgettable.". His voice was hypnotic, Scrooge had a desire to hand his body over to the towering, inviting man, who offered him this once in a lifetime experience.
"I am the ghost of Christmas present, and my present to you is what I think you deserve." the spirit said in a hushed voice.
"And what would that be?" Said Scrooge, his voice quaking with anticipation and slight fear. He couldn't comprehend what happened next, his body seemed to belong to the ghost now.
" You will see, or maybe you won't, it depends on what you can handle," the ghost said in a seductive voice, tempting scrooge to relax and allow the spirit to take full control.

Scrooge x ghost of Christmas present Where stories live. Discover now