Basically schedule of days/why part 2

28 1 0

This is a chapter


The month of February and maybe a little of January depending on where it falls for February 1 and a little bit of March depending on where February ends on either the 28 or 29.

1-6 - Gowther only watch King
Sunday of next week- Meliodas
Mon- Merlin
Tue- Gowther
Wed- Meliodas
Thur- Merlin
Fri- Gowther
Sat- Meliodas

Sun- Merlin
Tue- Meliodas
Wed- Merlin
Thur- Gowther
Fri- Meliodas
Sat- Merlin

Back to gowther for the last week when he is just healing the rest of the way for the magic power

Loses his magic power during the 1-7 with Gowther so after that Gowther recovers all the energy he can for the next two days while Merlin and Meliodas take care of King. King zaps their power away to restart his.


King was cursed for not taking the time to help himself so the reason both Merlin and Meliodas know about his past is because the people who are going to send him to the prison let Meliodas take him on one condition and that is to curse him because knowing King he wouldn't want to take care of himself and instead he would take care of the others so they wanted to make sure he was to take care of himself. And they know it would be hard on King during February because that's the time when he realized he lost everything so it's his breaking period and they want him to be taken care of so that's how and why he has been cursed and HAS to rely on others or there would be BAD consequences.

Bad consequences include:

Coughing of blood
Longer recovery
Touch starve (such as he'll cling to, however, is closest to him if left alone for more than 2 days.)
Maybe gets more worse 'nightmares'(It makes him remember his past worse than it seems.)
Would get sworn muscles
Maybe after some time will start becoming delusional (5 days of no contacted or left alone)
Will start for nightmare injury would affect him after 4-5 days of no one helping him.

This all happened back then when he was with them the first time around in the seven deadly sins this is how they know how bad his condition is.

King has pills for this month because when they split off he could no longer get them for replacing magic powers so Merlin made a special pill for that where the pill would have taken effect until he was kissed by Gowther on exactly February 1st when they would have met again in seven deadly sins. And it would start all over again and restart his powers and would give him his curse back the following years.

Additional information:
The song on top is King's favorite song and lullaby. Meliodas, Merlin, and Gowther know it.
And this song as well is a close second to the top ⬇️

That is all for this chapter or the author's note.
Word count 510.
Song: Mockingbird

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