King Gets Sick part 1

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Hi good luck

In the tavern
Early morning (7:30)

"You don't look so good, Sir King," Elizabeth said while looking at King who was resting his head on the countertop in the corner next to Gowther.

"N-No I'm f-fe-feelin'-" King tried to say but ended with a coughing fit.

"Hmm, King let me check your head really, quick," Merlin said while walking toward him. Placing her hand on King's head she quickly took it off because of how hot he was.
"King your burning up. Gowther can you give me an analysis of King real quick."

Senting his book down he look over towards his boyfriend who was sitting right next to him and used his magic (because I don't know what his power was again) to look at King and said "He has a fever around 102°F. His stomach is upset. And if I remember correctly I'm pretty sure he hasn't been sleeping or eating for the last 2-3 days. Saying he has been having nightmares. And it's about the time when his best friend had died and most of his friends and the first fairy king's forest had died. Which is putting a lot of pressure on him." Gowther said while slowly moving King into his lap resting his (King's) head to where his heart he had gotten back from the King of Liones.

(Gowther knows everything about King and vice-versa)

"Gowther I think you sho-" Merlin was about to say but was caught off by Meliodas walking in to see what was going on.

"What's going on? Is my little brother ok?" Meliodas says looking at King.

( Meliodas has an older brother vibe to King after offering a spot on the seven deadly sins and knowing his full past as well as losing his best friend.)

"I'm not sure Meliodas but I don't think King is going to help today in the tavern and Gowther isn't either," Merlin says.

"I agree. I don't think he should work or even be up at this point." Meliodas says while looking at King. Turning to Elizabeth, " Elizabeth could you get me a blanket and a washcloth and a water bucket please."

"Yeah sure," Elizabeth says quickly getting the stuff needed.

"OK, Gowther do you think you could bring King to yours, Ban, and his room?" Merlin says looking at King concerned.

"No I don't think that's a smart idea because he finally 1 fell asleep, 2 he's finally not coughing because of the way he sitting at the moment, and 3 I don't think it is safe for him to be sleeping on the hammock and Ban is sleeping in the bed with a hangover," Gowther says while subconsciously running his hand through King's hair softly.

"Well, you could take over mine and Elizabeth's room for a while. Elizabeth wouldn't mind." Meliodas said while looking at King whose breath was evening out.

Before Gowther could say anything Elizabeth and Diane walked in with Elizabeth saying, "Yes it is quite all right you guys can have our room. Oh, and I hope you don't mind if Diane was with me I needed a little help bring down all the stuff King needed."

Elizabeth and Diane slowly and quietly put down all the stuff on the table noticing King was asleep.

"Is he doing ok?" Diane said in a whisper type of tone looking over at Gowther and King.

"Yea it's just King's not feeling well from stress, I think a bit of despair and the amount of pressure he has been piling up on his shoulders. But this is normal and I think by the end of the month he should be going back to normal and have all his magical power back stronger but he will be variable to a lot of things. So no one can be sick or have any symptoms of a cold or a virus because it could hurt King." Merlin said while putting the washcloth on King's forehead.

Meliodas then put the blanket around King while saying "I think it's time you take King to our room ok Gowther."

"OK, I think your right ill go put him to bed. If it is ok can someone please bring me some of my books to your room? And can someone bring me his chasteful as well?" Gowther said as he slowly stood up putting one of his hands on his toshy to support him and the other on his back for support.

"Yeah, I got it," Meliodas said grabbing King's pillow and Gowthers book then looked to Elizabeth going to tell her to get Ban up to make a light soup for King but after seeing her talk to Daine he didn't want to bother her so he just went upstairs to where Gowther took King to.

"Hey, I'm going to wake up Ban to make King some soup ok," Meliodas said looking at Gowther who had settled in the bed with King in his arms still.

"Just tell me a minute or two before it's ready then please for I can wake up King," Gowther said as he gently rubbed King's back.

"Yeah sure. See you soon." Meliodas said.

Yeah, chapter 1 is done going to make chapter 2 later.

Bye-bye, people who are reading this crazy book. May finish this later and post everything all togather.

Word count: 904 words :)

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