Chapter 11: Dream ignitions

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The next morning, Jude woke up to find lily still laying atop his stomach and he had to admit, she looked so couldn't tell she was a trained killer. She was burrowed into his chest with a smile on her face and her hair rustled all over the place but it was enough to make Jude's heart start beating wildly. "stay calm, don't let it get to you...she's gorgeous but this isn't the right time or place for this" he thought to himself. Once his heart calmed down, he gently slid out from underneath Lily and went into the kitchen to eat a bowl of cereal. A few minutes later, she rustled awake and looked around as if she didn't remember how she got there.

Jude smiled and said "I hope you slept well" and she blushed and said, "yes, it's the best sleep I've gotten in months". Before he could say anything else, Lily walked off and said" I'm gonna get a shower and get ready to go". As she rushed into the bathroom and closed the door, her heart began beating maliciously as she looked in the mirror at how flustered she looked. "What's wrong with me? Am I in love or am I just lonely?" She thought to herself. Either way, she decided to try her best to keep things on a friend level as best as she could until the time was right.

An hour later, Lily and Jude were ready to go and as they walked to the car, there was a noticeably awkward atmosphere between them. To break the atmosphere, Jude put his favorite playlist on and sang his heart out as lily drove and giggled. She couldn't help but find his over-cheerfulness both warming and cute and it helped relax her as they neared her aunt's house. After pulling into the driveway, Lily sighed and said "let's go". The house was a beautiful 2 story Victorian-era house out in the country and it was spotless and well-kept. As they got out of the car, Jude grabbed her hand and said "we've got this, together. Lily smiled and walked over and rang the doorbell.

A heavy-set, light-skinned woman with black hair, answered the door with a frown before unlocking it. They walked in and followed to the kitchen and took a seat at the table where important papers were sitting already. Her aunt smiled and said "who's this lily?" and she blushed and said, "it's complicated... let's just say he's the result of a messed up job". Jude spoke up and said, "She clipped my boss and we became friends and I'm trying to help her turn her life around because I really care about her". Her aunt frowned at her and said "young lady as soon as you sign these papers, I don't wanna hear or see any more of these jobs on the news...are we clear?". Lily gulped and said "crystal" before she turned to Jude and said, "the fact that you got her to face me must mean she cares a lot about you so take care of this dummy and make sure she follows through with something of her own choosing instead of always being others punching bag".

Jude blushed and said "I'll do my best ma'am" and her aunt nodded and said, "I know you will...I won't say it out loud but I can feel the energy between you two, I mean it's so obvious but I'll let you guys resolve it on your own". After hearing that, both Jude and lily turned as red as a tomato and looked down at the papers to avoid looking at each other. Her aunt walked over, sat down, and said "alright now down to can't buy the restaurant". Lily looked at her and said "but why? You know money isn't a problem". Her aunt said, "It's not about the money it's about the experience and you have none which is why you're I'm going to be your business partner".

Lily looked at her confused until Jude said "that means you guys will split your ownership, responsibility, and profits 50/50 until one person earns a bigger portion". Her aunt said, "exactly, and once you're experienced, I'll give you the majority of ownership". Lily nodded and said "alright that sounds fair. Her aunt smiled and said "Also, since I'm not charging you, you'll be responsible for refurbishing the restaurant the way your mother wanted it but I'll take care of the staff". After carefully going over the contracts with Jude and signing them, her Aunt smiled and said, "congratulations on your restaurant, here's the key, go scope the place out".

Lily nodded and took the set of keys and quickly pushed Jude out of the house before she had the opportunity to embarrass her again. As they got in the car, her aunt giggled and waved before yelling " next time he comes back I hope you guys have matching rings". Lily blushed hard before starting the car and quickly pulling off. Jude turned to her and said, "well we've done it, Lily, we're on the way to your dream and even though it might seem far away right now, we'll get there one day at a time just you and me".

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