Chapter 5 Dead Or Alive...

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"Hey, Emma here. Sorry for not updating more frequently; lack of motivation. But the real question is, what really happened to Elizabeth on September 26, 2026? Go kys.


Elizabeth ran into the woods sobbing. She didn't know what to do or say. She just ran and ran for hours and hours until she stopped, realizing she was lost. The woods felt like they were caving in on her. She fell to her knees and sobbed; her tears were useless, but that's all she could do right now. Cry. Her tears were like salty streams of water that led to nothing but pure dirt and leaves. "What the fuck has my life come to?" she sobbed; snot dripped from her nose. She looked up to see a figure of a man. When he came closer, she immediately recognized— "MR. KAN!?" She screamed. "W-what are you doing here..?" Her voice was shaky with fear. "Don't worry. You're safe with me," he said as he bent down to whisper in her ear. Moments later, Elizabeth felt a sharp sting in her forearm. He covered her mouth as she tried to scream. Her body became numb. Her eyes fell heavy until she fell unconscious. Her body fell limp. He dragged her to his car, stuffing her in the truck, then drove off.


Elizabeth's eyes fluttered open. Her mouth was taped, and her arms and legs were tied to a chair. "You little slut. Your horny ass is the reason I got FUCKING FIRED!" He screamed. In disbelief, Elizabeth tried to scream for help, but there was no use. The tape muffled her screams almost completely. "Shut the fuck up, you little bitch!" He screamed. He came closer to Elizabeth, "You know, you have very pretty hair." he said in a soft voice. He wrapped his hand in her soft dark brown hair, then yanked a chunk of her hair out. A muffled scream of agony followed as tears dripped down her face. "You know, you look so cute when you cry." He smirked. Elizabeth's sobs of pain soothed him as he rubbed his bulge to the sound of her cries. He walked over to grab a butcher knife, then grabbed Elizabeth's finger, trying to hold it still as he lined her finger with his knife. She squirmed, trying so hard to get the knife away from her finger, but once again, it was no use. He lifted up his butcher knife, then slammed it down on her finger. Blood, tears, and muffled screams followed as Mr. Kan almost severed her finger off. The pain was so unbearable for Elizabeth that she almost passed out before abuse and beatings happened. Elizabeth fell unconscious from all the torture Mr. Kan put her through. Satisfied with his work, he threw Elizabeth in the trunk of his car, planning to bury her alive. He drove off, and Elizabeth woke up from her unconsciousness and panicked. She didn't know what to do until she saw that Mr. Kan forgot to remove his emergency safety latch. She pulled as hard as she could, but it was no use. She pulled once again, but it still wouldn't budge. Elizabeth decided to try just one more pull, then the trunk popped open, and she began rolling out of the trunk. She screamed in pain as she rolled out onto the concrete road. She had so many scratches and bruises, but she got up holding her left arm. "Fuck. I think I broke it." she thought to herself, holding back tears. She walked to where she could see lights. Limp after limp, she struggled, but she finally made it to her destination then collapsed, falling unconscious in someone's garage.


Sirens blared as Jenny and Emma sat there wide-eyed, unable to speak with blood splatter still covering their bodies. Half their friends tried comforting them, as the other half attended to Elizabeth. The police finally walked into where they were sitting. "We have a few questions for you two," the male officer said in a stern voice. Jenny burst into tears, mumbling "It wasn't my fault" over and over again, getting louder and louder each time. They were about to handcuff them but– "STOP!" Someone shouted. Jenny and Emma looked back in confusion to see Elizabeth's Father. He was the mayor of the city and overly rich, like, billionaire rich. He could get away with whatever he wanted. "UNHAND THEM RIGHT NOW!" he shouted. The police obeyed and uncuffed them. He gave them a hug and said "You kiddos have been so good to my little Elizabeth. This is the least I can do." Meanwhile, the ambulance rolled Elizabeth into the back. Her father ran to her in a hurry, tears dripping from his eyes with the darkest circles around them "Elizabeth.. how I failed you." he sobbed, getting in with her unconscious body "Oh, father.."


CREDITS: kaiisthesun

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