
1.9K 134 14

Warning: attempted rape at the end.

                    The grizzly breaches the tree line coming upon a large, graceful house, rectangular and well-proportioned, painted a faded white. The southern wall is almost entirely made of glass, with a view of the Calawah river. The grizzly slowly shrinks as it moves toward the house. Its fur sheds, revealing Koda beneath it all. She stops at the porch noticing clothes had been laid out for her. "Thank you, Alice," she said, then got dressed in tennis shoes, jeans, and a baggy t-shirt. Koda had a feeling these had been jaspers at some point in time. As she walks up the steps, the back door opens, revealing a gorgeous woman. She had the same pale, beautiful features as the rest of them. Something about her heart-shaped face, her billows of soft, caramel-colored hair reminded Koda of the ingenues of the silent-movie era. She was small, slender, yet less angular and more rounded than the other Cullens.

                   "Hello, sweetheart. Alice said you would be coming," she said, greeting Koda with a motherly smile.

                    Koda couldn't help but smile back, "Hello, Esme, I hope I'm not intruding..," she said, but Esme interrupted her.

                    "Of course not, dear you are always welcome," she said, then moved so Koda could walk in. Esme leads her into the living room, where the rest of the Cullens waited.

                    Carlisle steps forward, "Hello, Koda. Alice mentioned you ran into some trouble on the reservation," he explained.

                    "Yes, it was similar to me but had the form of a black wolf. Its scent was the one I found on the security guard's remains," Koda explained.

                    "Another child of the moon?" Jasper asked.

                    "That would explain the extreme damage to the victim's body," Carlisle said.

                    "But why would it attack Koda? I mean, they're both children of the moon, right?" Emmett asked.

                    "Yes and no. From the information I have found over the years, there are many different children of the moon. Like us, some have stopped hunting humans and instead decided to live amongst them as equals," Carlisle explained.

                    "I'm guessing others didn't agree?" Koda asked.

                    "Unfortunately, yes, and it seems one has chosen Forks as its new hunting grounds," Carlisle said, causing the room to grow tense.

                   "So not only do we need to deal with Nomads, but now a huge slobbering mutt as well," Rosalie said in disgust.

                   "I thought children of the moon change form only at night and during the fullest phase of the moon," Edith said.

                   "They did at first, but after the Volturi nearly eradicated their entire race, it caused the newer generations to evolve," Carlisle explained.

                   "So what's the plan?" Koda asked.

                   Carlisle thinks for a second, "Thankfully, children of the moon usually run alone unless they are mated. Considering Koda was only attacked by one, I don't think we will have to worry about that, so this gives us the advantage," he said.

                    "What about silver?" Emmett asked.

                   "That was just another one of those myths to make humans feel like they had a sporting chance," Edith explained.

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