Cold Ones

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                    Bella pulls into the parking lot of Forks High School with Koda in the passenger seat. All eyes are on them as they park and then climb out of the truck. Koda wore knee-length jean shorts that showed off her firm legs and a tight white wife beater. She throws her backpack over her shoulder and walks around the truck to her sister, who steps in a puddle, soaking her sneakers. "Don't worry, Bell. I had a feeling that might happen, so I grabbed your other pair of shoes," Koda explained. Bella sighs in relief, not used to Forks's wet climate. After changing her shoes, Bella follows Koda through the halls. Many people stare and whisper around them, making Bella extremely nervous. A young man of Asian descent, standing at six feet one with hair so long it covers his forehead and is black as an oil slick, walks toward them. The young man's brown eyes light up at the sight of Bella. He also wore a very business-looking tie and shirt.

                    "You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi. I'm Eric. The eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need...," he said, but Koda interrupted him.

                    "I think I'm more than capable of showing my sister around, Eric," she explained, finally catching his attention.

                    "Oh, Koda...yeah, sorry," Eric stuttered. Bella could see how nervous the dude was around her sister, so she spoke up.

                    "I'm kind of the 'suffer in silence' type," she explained.

                    Eric's face lights up, "Good headline for your feature...," he said, but Koda interrupted him once more.

                    "No," she said sternly.

                    "R...right, no feature," he said, then walked off. Koda sighs and leads her sister to Mr. Varner's class.

                    Later In the gym, the boys' basketball team runs drills on one half of the basketball court. A girl's volleyball game occupies the other half. Bella, in gym clothes, avoids the volleyball like it's radioactive. Unfortunately, the volleyball heads toward Bella. She closes her eyes, ready for the impact, but it never comes. Bella opened her eyes, finding that Koda had somehow made it across the court just in time to smack the volleyball away and back over the net. Confusion filled Bella, not knowing how Koda could move so fast. Soon the game ends, and the girls move the net off the court. A very good-looking young man, about five foot eleven, with pale blue eyes and blond hair, walked toward Bella. "You must be Koda's sister Isabella, right?" he asked, putting on the sweetest smile that made most girls swoon.

                   Bella seemed totally unaffected by it, though, "Just Bella," she said.

                    "I'm Mike Newton," he explained, looking at her a second too long, clearly taken by Bella. Suddenly a pretty girl standing at about five foot one walks over. She has voluminous straight, dark brunette hair and blue eyes.

                    "Aren't you the new girl from Arizona, right? Aren't people supposed to be tan down there?" she asked with a fake smile. Koda notices and walks over, stopping by Bella's side.

                    "Maybe that's why they kicked me out," Bella joked. Mike laughs, and because he does, so does the girl, but it is easy to see it is fake. Koda could see just how uncomfortable her sister was with the attention.

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