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Kabir was surprised to see Natasha standing on the balcony, looking over city lights and crying after he followed the sniffing voice.

Seeing this he decided to leave but he can't.

Though he doesn't love her anymore he still spent more than ten years of his life with this person. Therefore he will always care for her, he will always have a soft spot for her in his heart. She was his first love after all.

Giving into his heart he walked towards her and stand beside her. Both silently gazing at the sky when Kabir asked

"What happened?"

Natasha stayed silent for a few minutes, still crying.

Seeing her lack of response he decided to leave when her voice stopped him.

"I'm sorry."

He frowned in confusion and turned towards her.

"I...I never apologized for what I did. I'm sorry Kabir. Sorry for breaking your heart. Sorry for bailing on you just a week before our wedding. I'm sorry."

She apologized but oh how the tables have turned it was Kabir's turn to be silent now.

"Please forgive me, Kabir?" She choked.

"I did." He whispered surprising her.

"I do forgive you,  Natasha. I forgive you for myself. I don't want to start a new chapter of my life holding any past grudges. My wife does not deserve that. I do not deserve that." He confessed.

Natasha nodded her head in understanding wiping her tears.

"You love her." She stated.

"You love her, don't you?" She inquired this time.

"Yes, I do."

"I love her." He confessed.

It felt good finally speaking it and admitting it.

He loves his wife. He was now sure of that.
He has never been more glad to break his promise. A promise that he made to himself of never falling in love.

"I'm happy for you. You both deserve all the happiness." She wished, her heart genuinely happy for these two.

"Why were you crying." He inquired remembering the reason he came here.


"Had a small fight." She opened up.

"With Vishal?" He questioned.

She nod in reply and turned towards the city lights. They calm her. Always.

"I wish you get all the happiness too, Natasha." He let out, patting her shoulder when they heard the vase breaking and turned towards the noise.

There she was. The love of his life. His wife with tears in her eyes which broke Kabir's heart.

Before he could say something, she ran from there.

Kabir ran after her after he took in what has happened.

Though it was just a pat on the shoulder,  it looked like a side hug to her due to their position.

Unfortunately, Kabir was a bit late. She has already left the party. Worriedly, he called her phone to only be met with the automated voice of a woman stating that her phone was switched off.

Sighing, he hastily called his driver, sat in the car, and drove to his house, hoping to find her there.

He lunged two stairs at a time and hurriedly opened the door of their room and switched on the lights only to find her under the covers, sniffing

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He lunged two stairs at a time and hurriedly opened the door of their room and switched on the lights only to find her under the covers, sniffing.

"Lia." He called only to be met with silence.

"Lia. Baby. Please talk to me." He pleaded but alas there was no answer again.

He move towards her and tried again

"Lia. Meri Jaan. Listen to me once. Please."

"I don't wanna talk to you." She asserted removing the duvet from her face and sitting down.

It was out of Kabir's understanding that how can someone look so adorable crying?

Her cheeks puffed, eyes a little red and lips pouted. Oh how badly he wants to kiss them.

Now is not the right time Kabir reminded himself and sat down in front of her.

"Lia. Whatever you saw. It wasn't like that at all." He explained

"She was crying because she fought with Vishal." He huffed.

Listening to him she wiped her tears with her palms.

"Why were you hugging her." She questioned.

"I was not my love. It was just a shoulder tap."

My love. He just called her my love. Oh, all Aliasha want is to jump and scream like a banshee. Her heart is in a complete puddle but she controls herself.

"We've moved on Lia. She has someone to love and so do I."

The F$ck. Did he say he has someone to love? Who. Me? Or someone else. He surely meant someone else. Thought Aliasha.

"It is you. Idiot" he said feeling wheels turning in her head.

"I love you, Lia." He confessed making Aliasha's heart stop.

" He confessed making Aliasha's heart stop

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To all the readers, who read and loved Halcyon and have been a loyal part of Aliasha and Kabir's journey. Guys this is our moment.

He confessed. Edfybjjnijdx. What will be our Ali's reaction. Uff, I know you guys can't wait to read the next chapter and probably hate me for ending it here. But what can I say I'm a bitch 😉

Anyhooo, If you guys liked the chapter, then Please vote, comment and share.

Thankyou for reading.

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