•Should I apologize?

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Fell sans pov:

Two days passed After I came to this place, I didn't go out of my hotel's room for these two days. I wasn't feeling well, but now I feel calm.I've never felt this way before, Today I decided to go out for a little walk because I feel kind of bored. I went out and started walking in the place. Nothing interesting happened, but on the way I came across a nice coffee shop, which reminded me of Lust. I decided to enter and sat at a table overlooking the glass of the shop, where I could see a street and people walking. The waitress came and I asked only for a cup of coffee. When she went, I kept contemplating a street and people walking until I got lost in my thoughts.
While I was distracted, someone knocked on my table, which interrupted the mountain of my thoughts. I looked to see who It was that skeleton I saw coming out of the grillby bar, that guy was at the party

"can i sit with you? The places are full"
(Echofell sans)

I looked around to see, and indeed, the café was full. I nodded that I agreed. Then he sat down. The waitress came to him and he asked for a glass of water. We just remained silent. This was an embarrassing silence. He kept looking at me. I think he recognized me.

"You're Fell sans right?"
(Echofell sans)

"Yeah" (Fell)

"Well I heard that you had a fight with your boyfriend in the night of that party, or rather I saw you fighting with him, I was going to stop you, but I hesitated. I wanted to know the story first, I didn't want to judge, and when I heard your words with Lust, I thought you messed it up" (Echofell sans)

I kept looking at him silently. I was disturbed. Why does he interfere in something that does not concern him?

"Listen, I know that you are upset with me, and this is clear from your face, but the thing that you did with Lust is wrong. I exaggerated a little, and I know that you did not mean it. It was a feeling of fear, anger, and longing that control you because I am my edge, so I know this feeling" (Echofell sans)

Well he was right...

"Well, you have no income, so why are you interested? You don't know me or even know Lust" (Fell)

"It's because..." (Echofell sans)

He lowered his head, it seemed to me that he was sad, then he raised his head and looked at me

"Because I have the same problem"
(Echofell sans)

I felt confused and surprised at the same time, what is he talking about??

"What? Why? What happened?"

He was silent for a moment, then sighed

"Well I will tell you" (Echofell sans)

He told me everything and I was shocked he was worse than me but I felt he was remorseful and trying to fix his mistake

"Bro.. you fucked up, why did you do that?"

"I wasn't aware I told you and you're making me worse" (Echofell sans)

"Oh my bad" (Fell)

"Okay I told you my story will you tell me yours?" (Echofell sans)

He wanted me to tell him my story with Lust I hesitated at first but I reconsidered he told me his story and he was worse than me so I will tell him mine, I sighed and told him everything from the beginning of my meeting with Lust until my arrival here

"Should I apologize?" (Fell)

He looked at me for a few seconds and then took a sip of the water he had asked for

"Well I don't know if he can frogive you, you hurt his feelings and maybe if he saw you he will slap you in the face" (Echofell sans)

"Oh man you make it worse!" (Fell)

"I know but you should apologize This is how your conscience will rest. In the beginning, let him take out all his anger and sadness on you. Let him beat you. Let him curse you because you broke him, right? If he does not accept you the first day, go back to him tomorrow, go back to him the day after tomorrow until he calms down and you can talk to him quietly maybe he will understand and frogive you"
(Echofell sans)

"Wow you good at this but The thing I don't understand is why are you giving me advice when your problem is worse than mine?"

"Well I want to see the solution if it works If this solution works on you, I will implement it"
(Echofell sans)

"You deceiver, But frankly, this solution is logical, and it may help, Also, I will give you advice, do not wait for me until you see the solution is successful or not. You have to hurry in order not to miss the time, as there is a specific time Don't waste time waiting, hurry up to fix your mistake" (Fell)

"... You right " (Echofell sans)

We keep talking until it getting late, And we said goodbye and then each one went his way, while I was on my way to the hotel I was thinking how would I fix it and would he accept my apology? Of course, I shouldn't rush and spoil it, but all of this is because of my brother. He ruined all my relationships with people. I'm tired of him.
I arrived at the hotel at 12 pm I didn't want to eat so I went to my room and lay on the bed
Until then
I have no idea about this chapatrick but it's just proof that I'm still alive
I love you all bye^^

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