•The party 3

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Lust sans pov:

After a while, I felt tired٫ I asked Classic for a drink. He told me the drinks were in the kitchen Before I went to the kitchen, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. Upstairs, on the way, I found ink and blue

"Lust, you came to the party!"

Ink said٫ I smiled at him and said

"Yes, it was worth it"

I heard blue say

"Lust long time no see You were so cool when you were dancing with Sans"

"Heh thanks!"

"Yeah Everyone was impressed and looking at you"

Ink said, Why am I not a professional in dancing so I smiled a fake smile

"Oh r-relly?"

"Yeah everyone Even the skeletons that were outside entered to watch you"

Oh man I smiled at them and asked for permission to go I went to the bathroom I washed my face I looked at the mirror I noticed I was handsome

"So classic wasn't lying, I'm really handsome."

Then I went to the kitchen. It smelled like smoke, as if someone was smoking. The kitchen lights were red. I noticed some people inside. I entered the kitchen found swap pap Sitting on a stilt I smiled at him Then I noticed two tall skeletons that were looking at me, One of them was very similar to fell, but he was much taller, and he had two lines in his face, one of them heading upwards, the other downward.I was worried but decided to go and talk to them

"Hey you're new here guys?"

Someone answered me and said

"Yeah it's my first time here i am G sans btw call me G"

He reached out to shake his hand and I shook it and said

"I am lust nice too meet you G"

"Lust huh? Nice name"

I heard that skeleton that looks like Fell and I said

"what about you? what's your name?"

He smiled broadly, man, his teeth are sharp. Does he know Fell ?

"My name is G fell sans call me fell or Gell"

"o-ok nice to meet you to Gell"

"What kinda of AU you come From?"

Gell ask me, i said

"uh underlust, how about you and G?"

"I come from echofell"

"and i come from echotale"

Wow How many sans are there? But actually, they look so cool

"So lust what kinda of AU that calling underlust?"

G ask me,These questions that I was trying to avoid, I started to feel nervous. The two were looking at me, waiting for the positive. What would I say? And how will they react?

"Well my AU it's really different not like the others Everyone is weird"

"huh? What do you mean?"

G said, I sighed and looked at him with a half smile

"It's like Undertale But with new characters, skewed thinking and a different system"

"Oh i see"

G said, I knew he didn't understand any of what I said but maybe the other one did, his facial expression says so

"You know you look different from others"

G said

"you too heh"

I said this while laughing a little

"No really you look different"

"What do you mean?"

"You are more beautiful than others"

I paused for a moment to realize, hey, is he flirting with me now?

"Aww thank you darling you too"

"Wow that kinda gay"

Swap pap said, G looked at him and said

"That why i saw you kissing the original papyrus Behind a house, you're lucky Classic didn't see you. If he finds out, he'll kill you"

I was surprised for a moment, I looked at Papyrus. He looked shocked and his face was blushed (Dark orange)

"Shut up!"

He said this as he came out of the kitchen

"Oh is that real?"

I asked G and he said

"Yeah we saw him"

Gell answered me


I noticed that Gell was somewhat calm and silent as well, not like fell I also noticed that he was very handsome. I kept looking at him until his eyes met red with mine.My eyes fell quickly, and my heart began to beat rapidly I heard him laugh and said

"Why are you look at me like that?"

"W-what me? n-no i wasn't"

I felt his rough hand on my shoulder so close I could barely feel his breath he told me

"Don't lie I saw you staring at me cutie"

My body began to tremble until G stopped it

"Stop teasing him, Come on lust come let's get some drinks"

Went for drinks and sat chatting with G. He was a really nice and interesting guy. I really had fun with him. He would sometimes flirt with me and I would do the same.

"By the way, you were so cool when you were dancing"

"I don't know why everyone says this, I'm not even a professional at dancing"

"Maybe because you dazzled them with your beauty"

"oh you silly"

G laughed while noticing that Gill was alone. So I invited him

"Hey Gell come join us This will be fun"

He agreed and came and sat with us. He was silent all the time, so every time I opened an issue with him to talk, he was also really nice. His personality is different compared to Fell, In fact he was much better then him
Until then

Hey dear reader thanks for reading my story love ya^^

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