Where am I?

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Meanwhile, Song Ji hyo's van arrived at an empty warehouse across Seoul. Song ji hyo was tied up with duck tape and taken into the building. She fought her hardest trying to escape but nothing happened. She was thrown into a cell with 4 other women that helped her out of the duck tape. "Where am I! Where am I" she yelled. "Shhhhh calm down, they will hear us" said one of the girls! "They don't tell us anything, they just feed us and give us necessities" said another girl. "Waittttttt, my phone" Ji hyo said as she reached in bra and pulled it out. "Oh my god, they always take your phone away, how do you have it?" Said the third girl. "I snuck it in my bra just in case they would take it, guess they assumed I dropped it when they took me" Ji hyo said proudly!
"But we sometimes get signal, it turns off and on" said the first girl. Ji hyo checked her phone...signals gone! Ji hyo signed and put her phone back in her bra! "Please someone rescue me" she pleaded under her breath!

Kidnapped! A Song Ji hyo and Runningman story!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora