Pink Venom

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It was a dark night, filled with uncertainties, when the star named Rosie, stumbled into a night club I worked for as a bar tender. All night, she was downing a cocktail that we named Pink Venom, the bar's own spin of Giggle Juice, it's made out of Moscato, Vodka, Peach Blossoms, Orange Blossoms and Strawberries. The Strawberries is what gives it its pink color and a splash of creme de noyaux, the twist is we blend it so that it looks like a strawberry slushie. She's on her 20th glass, she just quietly drinks it and orders another one. Lots of men have been offering her drinks but she declines each of those drinks, she just quietly sat at the bar and orders Pink Venom. It's now 1 a.m. and she's not done ordering another glass. I kept my eyes on her ever since she walked in slightly tipsy, after all, I might need to call her a cab later. She looks flushed from her 20th drink, she smiles and calls out to me.

"Lily, one more of deessshhh, pleashhhe and thankshhhh you." She tells me over the booming club music.

She had a cute Aussie accent, making me think she wasn't from Korea. She spoke English mostly, but I see, she understands Korean too, because when men approached her, I heard her decline their friendly offers for company, drinks or food. She politely tells them in Korean: Sayanghagetsseumnida naneun nae jasineul gamdanghal ssu optta. Which meant, No Thanks, I can handle myself. She's an independent woman, who can drink a lot.

She was on her 20th glass, usually girls who drinks their 10th glass of Giggle Juice with a twist is all giggly and rowdy. But she was just silent, staring at the glasses behind me. Her eyes looked glazed and hammered, it doesn't take a genius to understand that she is hammered and that she had one too many drinks already. I smiled at her and leaned in closer to her.

"You sure you can still drink?" I asked her amidst the club's bassy music.

"Ahuh, yeeeaaaahhh, I caaaannnn." She replied smiling charmingly.

Her words slurring and dragging from her mouth. Cradling in between her lips and her smile. She sure is skinny, but could take a lot of alcohol. I shook my head at her and made her a virgin version of the cocktail she's been downing all through out the night. It was almost closing time in about two hours and I am worried she can't go home if I didn't do something about it. Before giving her the mocktail, I first asked her to drink water, because she looked parched from all the alcohol she's having.

"Alright, Sweetheart, I'll get you another one, but you need to drink water first alright? Water rehydrates you and it prevents you from looking like a shriveled fruit." I replied smiling at her as I pushed a tall glass of water to her.

She smiles yet again and nods eagerly. She took the tall glass of water and started drinking the water. I turned back and made her the mocktail. I served it to her and whispered to her ear.

"This one's on the house and so as your last order, we'll be closing in a wee bit, would you like another one?" I told her.

"Naurrrrr! Whyyyy??? It's stilllll eaaaarrrlyyy to close." She replied slurring her words all the more.

"We need to sleep too, yeah too early for tomorrow Princess." I replied giggling at her tantrum.

She's cute when she's having a temper tantrum. I wondered if she was always this way. She pouts at me and her eyes changed to a teary set of eyes.

"I want more." She said.

"Can't, Sweetie. Look, everyone in this bar gets a maximum of ten drinks, you're lucky you were just quiet and wasn't being all giggly and rowdy, that's the only reason why I still served you up until now." I smiled at her.

"Gimme more." She replied to me.

Despite her not yet finishing the mocktail I made her.

"You want me to get fired?" I asked her.

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