The only exception

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We've met at a time where we have a Country at war. The North and South Korea had broken their long standing truce from the 1950s when North Koreans bombed the South Korean central, Seoul. A war has now broken out and every one from the South was enlisted in the Military along with our allies, Thailand, Philippines and America. Every one of these nations have helped South Koreans fight the North Koreans. Therefore this was the reason why I was drafted as a soldier, it was mandatory for every South Korean to be drafted when the country needed the man power. Not even women like me are spared. My name is Rosé Park and I am retelling this story amidst an air raid by the North Koreans. I was a Captain of the 13th Special Mission Brigade, in charge of neutralizing enemy occupied, districts in the Northern part of South Korea. My Sister Alice similarly was a Vice Captain of First Special Forces Brigade. We often meet each other in battles like this. We were running to a retreat post, avoiding the air raid and shooting down which ever bomber plane gets too close overhead us. I shut down five planes currently as I hid in a mountain top.

I am a South Korean Army Captain, a decorated War Hero or at least soon to be decorated, after we've won this war against the North and unify our war torn country and she was a soldier from the Royal Thai Army 13th Infantry Division, a Captain of her Company. We are one in the same as we fought for Korean independence and unification. South Koreans were always out numbered by invading forces of the North. They seem to be concentrated in arming their men, but not enough training in surviving attacks, because the 'Country' had Nuclear deadly weapons and explosives, they can just bomb everything and the doom of South East Asians will be at hand at a press of a button. That was a fact that the rest of the world knew and so they are taking sides and it just so happened that the South, a relatively peaceful country and would not like to be at war with the rest of the world, was pitted against the North Koreans. South Koreans had allies from the Philippines, America, Japan and Thailand, while the rest are hanging by and expecting the South Koreans to win the war. The North Koreans were allies with China and Russia. Both have funded the North Koreans with their arms. Weapons were always delivered by the two allied countries of the North.

Even a child in North Korea was armed with an AK-47 and have fired aimlessly at us. The South Koreans meanwhile have evacuated their Children in a safe place with an Elder in the Family. While us, Young Men and Women are drafted into the armed forces of South Korea. Even our parents who are still able to fight are fighting along with us. My Parents Mason Park and Clare Park similarly fought in the air force and navy. We are all involved in this war, we knew a year before the war resumed that we are about to be bombed and a war will ensue. I had to train as a Sniper for 13th Special Mission Brigade along with Kim Jennie, Kim Jisoo and Jeon Somi. My friends and colleagues in the Army. The whole Park Family was no different these days, everyone of my cousins have been drafted into the South Korean Armed Forces. Joy Park, Jihyo Park, my cousins who are now fighting for South Korean independence and unification. We are all drafted into the Armed Forces of South Korea and we will fight for our rights to be free and to protect our country.

We are now at our bunker in the Mountains, Bomber planes ahead of us, every ten seconds loud banging are heard over head. We were holed up in our bunker together with the Royal Thai Army 13th Infantry Division. We somehow retreated together upon the air raid warning alarm that sounded in the dead of the night. I hope my friends Jisoo, Jennie and Somi are alright, wherever they are fighting currently. Major Kim Taehyung instructed me to go up the mountains together with the 13th Infantry Division of the Thai Army and take cover up the North side of the mountains and by dawn be ready for an attack to the North. It was a long night of hiking and taking cover. Moving silently through the dead of the night. I wasn't originally going to join the army, I was a model for St. Laurent, guns are not my thing, but the Government threatened everyone in the family of death once the war was over and we will be forever labeled as traitors to the country, beheaded and displayed at the capital.

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