Well This Is New...

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Author's Note: Just to clear up some misconceptions, this is not your typical "bad boy meets good girl- happy ever after" type book. I have plans for many twists and I bet that many of you will not see them coming. COMMENT! VOTE! CONTINUE BEING AWESOME!


I sit in shock. This hot boy actually wants to sit next to me. He even stood up for me. Damn, even his name is sexy. Jackson Kela. What is wrong with me? I hardly know this boy, but I'm still astonished. For all I know, he could be some drug dealer in a gang, but still, I can't shake the feeling that he is special. I awkwardly shuffle my feet and fidget in my chair. Now I'm confused. Why is he sitting next to me? Wait, I'm probably overthinking this. I should just take it slowly.

Suddenly, Jackson says, "So, what's your next class, Maia?" This throws me off for a second. He seems to be trying to spark a conversation with me. But why would he do that? I'm nothing special. There are many other girls at my school who are much prettier, smarter, and funnier. I can't help but compare myself to all of them, because my entire life, that's what everybody has been doing. Well, I can't just leave him hanging like this.

"Umm, health class." I respond.

"Oh, me too." He counters. "But, do you know which class that girl standing against the wall has? The one with the really pale blonde hair?"

I turn around and notice Michella, staring at Jackson with a determined expression. Then she sees me, smirks, and struts across the room, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she walks. I turn to Jackson, about to speak, but he looks at something with a dazed expression. He seems to be looking at Michella. Oh, that must be the girl he meant. I knew it was to good to be true. Of course, why would he be interested in me when other girls like Michella are available. I look over at Michella, interested to see what she is doing to enrapture him so much. She is standing next to the popular's table, one hand on Cole's back, smiling at him. Flirting with him. Jackson seems to be jealous. Oh no, another boy entangled in her web of popularity. I really hope he understands what he is getting into. Oh well. he can like whoever he wants, even if it is a blood-sucking leech like Michella.
"She also has health."
"Cool," Jackson grins stupidly and begins to pack up his lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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